Bible Knowledge Quiz, version 1.1. Copyright (c) 2000, Clinton T. Graham [Introduction] Bible Knowledge Quiz is a program to test your knowledge of the Scripture. It is designed to challenge your memory and knowledge of the Bible, and perhaps spark your interest in studying it. Bible Knowledge Quiz presents a quiz of multiple choice questions for you to answer. A hint is available for each question if you need it, but your ultimate resource is the Bible itself. In Bible Knowledge Quiz, looking up answers in the Bible is not only not cheating, it's encouraged! You will receive a score when you are done with the quiz. Five points are awarded for each question answered correctly without the hint, three points with the hint, and no points are gained or lost for an incorrect answer. The program also features an editor in which you can design your own Bible quizzes. [About the Quizzes] Several quizzes are included in the version 1.1 distribution. These include: * Old Testament Books (80 questions) * New Testament Books (50 questions) * Children's Bible Stories (60 questions) * Words Mean Things (25 questions) More quizzes (from myself and other authors) will be posted on my website as they become available. Check it out and download some more questions at: "" Feel free to write your own quizzes and submit them to me for publication and distribution from that same page. [System Requirements] The Bible Knoledge Quiz program requires the following: * Windows 95 or better * Visual Basic Runtime Library 6.0 * HTMLHelp v1.1 or better * 16-bit (High Color) video or better [License] This program (Bible Knowledge Quiz) is published as freeware. The program and its accompaning files are provided "as is" at no charge and may be used and distributed freely. The author (Clinton T. Graham) retains ownership and copyright of the program and you (the user) are granted permission to use, copy, and distribute the program in accordance with the following conditions: You may not decompile, reverse-engineer, or alter the program in any way. The program must be distributed unmodified in its entirety, with all original accompanying files. You may freely create, modify, and distribute quizzes for the program, but the original quizzes must be distributed with the program in their unmodified form. By using this program you agree to not to hold the author liable for any damages that might be incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of your use of or inability to use this program. No warranty is expressed or implied. [Author] Bible Knowledge Quiz was written by Clinton T. Graham. As of the time of this release (January 2000), I can be reached by the following methods: email: web: mail: Clinton Graham 2250 Washington Street Huntingdon, PA 16652 [For More Information] This text file is an abbreviation of the help file. For more information or for help on using the program click the Help button on the main screen or press F1 at any time. Microsoft's HTMLHelp component (provided with Win98+ and IE5+) is required for viewing the helpfile. Grace and Peace. <