KIDS TABLES AND TIME V1.1 ©Ray Le Couteur 1996 - 2000. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Any computer running Windows 95/98/NT4 and above. INSTALLATION After unzipping (if necessary), run the file "setup" and follow on screen instructions. In the case of the self extracting version, simply run 'kttime'. Note: the shared file, vb40032.dll, is installed into the program folder/directory (c:\Program Files\Kidstables by default). This avoids conflicts during uninstallation and makes installation over a network more straightforward. If you are sure that vb40032.dll is already on your system, you can safely delete it from the program folder/directory. LICENSE Kids Tables and Time is ©Copyright Ray Le Couteur and is protected by United Kingdom copyright law and by international treaty provisions. The program is Shareware ('try before you buy software'). If you wish to continue using it after a 30 day trial, you must register (pay for) it. If you wish to use the program, you must also accept the warranty disclaimer (below). RUNNING THE PROGRAM From the start menu, select programs and then Kids Tables and Time folder. Then click the 'Kids Tables and Time' icon. UNINSTALL Click on the uninstall icon in the programs menu. Note that the uninstall can be password protected to prevent accidental erasure by children. The password is entered via the language option menu, which will appear automatically when you first run the program. If you forget the password or want to enter a new one, you must first delete the file 'numopt.dat' in the program folder/directory. NETWORK INSTALLATION Installation should be carried out by the network administrator and should be very easy, as all required files are installed into the single program directory. However, security measures can prevent files being installed or the installation of icons in the programs menu. FURTHER INFORMATION/TECHNICAL SUPPORT Contact the author, Ray Le Couteur by email at: WARRANTY DISCLAIMER This software and the accompanying files are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind whether expressed or implied. The user must assume the entire risk of using this software. Under no circumstances will the author be liable for any damages, direct or consequential, arising from the use of, or inability to use, this software. Ray Le Couteur August 2000