EZ Instructions: Virtual Quantum Mechanics for Dummies 101: - Your 3 atoms are at the bottom of the screen - The play area 3 atoms are in the middle of the screen - You can't see the computers atoms - To make a play^ click on one of your atoms^ THEN click on one of the play area atoms - When the atomic clock runs out of time^ level is over - If you cannot play^ put 1 atom in the recycler to get a new one Rules: - You can only merge red atoms with blue atoms - Always try to merge atoms with like amounts (3 blue to 3 red) This is the object of the game^ you get a free turn - Exception to the above rule is^ same number^ same color^ cause minus points (3 red to 3 red will cause opponent minus points) - Yellow atoms are neutral^ think of them as no value^ play atoms to them or play them to atoms anytime. One you get the hang of it^ read the regular rules to see all the neat functions and scoring you can do. Now give it a try!!!