BESTMENU THE FIRST SERIOUS MENU SYSTEM By Wild West Software Austin, Texas ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ QUICK & DIRTY ³°° ³ INSTRUCTIONS ³°° ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° * Full Working Demo.... This copy of BestMenu works exactly like the full version of the program. There is, however, an annoying Happy Face that jumps across the screen every time you invoke a menu selection. We think that you would rather see the little face than a limited version of BestMenu. Of course, the Happy Face is not there strictly to annoy you. Rather, it is a reminder that in order to continue bringing you new versions of BestMenu, as well as new programs, we need your support. There are other program utilities which you will only receive with the FULLY REGISTERED version of BestMenu. These include SWITCH, the disk swapping utility; SHRTBOOT and LONGBOOT, the Reboot utilities; LPTSWAP, the parallel port swapping utility; and PASSWORD, password protection for your menu selections. So, if you like BestMenu, send us a check or money order for: BestMenu $ 29.95 Shipping $ 5.00 ---------- $ 34.95 Become a registered BestMenu user and get rid of that stupid happy face! Please give a copy of this demo to your friends, and remember to include all of the files that you received, so they will have a complete set. Make shareware work! By the way, the file ORDER.TXT contains a registration form that can be used to make your order. * Installing BestMenu.... Copy all BestMenu files to one diskette or subdirectory on your hard disk. Make sure that the following files are present on the disk: BMDEMO.COM Main Program - Type BMDEMO to start. MAKEMENU.COM Make Menu Windows OVERLAY.COM Overlay for BMDEMO.COM CLOCK.COM The World Time Clock CONFIG.BM Configuration File Created by MAKEMENU.COM MAIN.BM Main Menu - Menu File *.BM Sample menu files README.DOC Introduction to the product BMQUICK.TXT Quick And Dirty Instructions (this file) ORDER.TXT BestMenu Registration Form * Starting BestMenu.... To start BestMenu, move to the BestMenu drive and directory, and type: BMDEMO [ENTER] The BestMenu Main Screen will appear. From now on you may move from one menu to the other by pressing the corresponding function key or by using the arrow keys to point to the desired selection and pressing enter. * Menu Windows.... BestMenu uses Menu Windows to display up to 10 selections per window at 6 different levels. That is 10 to the 6th, or 1,000,000 possible selections for a single menu system. If you are at the MAIN MENU, press [F1], [F9], [F8] to see how menu levels work. * Menu Files.... Menu Files are all files terminated with the extension .BM. These files contain the information necessary to present a menu window on the screen, as well as the commands to be performed by the selections inside the window. * The MenuMaker.... The MenuMaker program is used to create and edit menu files. To start the MenuMaker type: MAKEMENU [ENTER] The Main Menu at the top of the screen allows you to: Config: Change the environment colors of BestMenu Main Screen. Set time lapse for the World Clock to pop up. Toggle audio feedback from the keyboard ON and OFF. Tell BestMenu that you want to use a mouse. Menus: Create or Edit Menu Files. Support: Support information. Exit: Returns to the operating system The MenuMaker can also be invoked from within BestMenu. Press [F8] BestMenu utilities and [F1] Build or Edit Menu Files. * Editing A Menu File.... Load a menu file from The MenuMaker by entering: MAKEMENU [ENTER] M ( for Menus at the main menu ) F ( for Files in Menus menu ) L ( for Load in the Files menu ) Now, highlight a menu filename and press [ENTER] to load it. Going back to the previous menu you can: Files Save: Save the menu file Name : Change the filename Banner : Change the banner at the top of the menu window Color : Change the foreground and background colors of the window. Titles : Insert, Delete or edit the selection titles Commands : Insert, Delete or edit the commands for each selection title. Reset : Erases all window information. Exit : Return to the main menu. A typical operation consists of: a. reading an existing menu file. b. editing its Banner c. editing its titles d. editing the commands of one or more selection titles e. changing the colors f. saving the menu file back to the disk * Creating A Menu File.... Creating a Menu file is just as simple as editing one. Start the MenuMaker program, but instead of reading an existing menu file, enter a name for the new menu file to be created. Build the titles and commands from scratch, and don't forget to save your work to the disk. * The Commands.... You may enter up to 10 command lines per menu selection. If more commands are necessary, you should consider breaking the task into two selections, or using a batch file to complement the command set. Any DOS command is a valid Menu command, including batch file statements like PAUSE, IFs and REMs. In addition to DOS commands, you may enter a program filename or batch filename (EXE, COM or BAT). Remember, ONE command per line! * Connecting Two Menu Windows.... To move from one window to the other, you must enter the filename of the menu file to be merged to on the command line. To merge from the Main Menu (MAIN.BM) to the System Utilities Menu (SYSTEM1.BM) using selection [F1] of the main menu, we use a command line in MAIN.BM that reads: SYSTEM1.BM and nothing else. This simple approach is used to connect all menus at all levels. To call a menu window to the screen, just place the corresponding menu filename in one of the selection command lines of the current menu. * Mouse Support.... If you have a mouse, you should load your mouse driver as usual and install the mouse from within The MenuMaker using Config Mouse Yes. * The World Time Clock.... The World Time clock has some parameters that may be set according to your preferences: CLOCK/S Sets the local time and the four world times. CLOCK/C Toggles the hourly CUCO ON and OFF. CLOCK/1 Uses Color Palette 1. CLOCK/3 Uses Color Palette 2. The clock will pop up on the screen after X minutes without keyboard action. X is set in MenuMaker. * Changing the Company Name To change the company name at the top of the main BM screen, type: OVERLAY WWS [ENTER] and go from there.... * The Real User's Guide.... These are only Quick & Dirty instructions for BestMenu, and aim solely at giving you a superficial understanding of how the program works. The Real Users Guide is 100 pages long containing everything you will ever want to know about BestMenu and its utilities. The User's Guide is fully illustrated with Mac quality pictures and typeset quality printing. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ Å ³° ³ BestMenu 1.22 ³° Å BestMenu ³° ³ _ ³° Å User's ³° ³ ( ) ³° Å Guide ³° ³ ² ³° Å ³° ³ ² ³° Å ³° ³ ² ³° ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ° ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ° °°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°