DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY Lynx Petroleum Consultants, Inc. makes no warranty, express or implied, or guarantee of any kind as to the contents of this program and manual or results therefrom, including, but not limited to, suitability for user's intended use, compatibility with user's equipment, and freedom from infringement of any third party's copyrights, patents or other proprietary rights. Lynx Petroleum Consultants, Inc. shall not be liable to user or to any other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this program and manual or results therefrom, including, without limitation, consequential damages. This program is sold for use on a single CPU. It may be copied into machine readable or printed form for backup or modification purposes only in support of its use on a single CPU. Lynx PetroleumConsultants, Inc. P.O. Box 1666 Hobbs, NM 88240 Ph - - (505) 392-6950 INDEX Page 1. INTRODUCTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 2. MAKING YOUR BACKUP DISK A. Two Drive System - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 B. Single Drive System - - - - - - - - - - 5 C. Hard Disk System - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 3. SYSTEM COMMANDS/GUIDE TO OPERATIONS A. Enter or Edit Well Data - - - - - - - - 7 B. Load Well Data from Disk - - - - - - - - 8 C. Save Well Data to Disk - - - - - - - - - 8 D. Draw the Decline Curve - - - - - - - - - 8 E. Print Well Data - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 F. Clear for New Well - - - - - - - - - - - 9 G. Erase Well File from Disk - - - - - - - 10 H. Quit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 4. GETTING STARTED WITH EXAMPLE 1 A. Loading a Previously Saved Well File - - 11 B. Enter or Edit Well Data - - - - - - - - 11 C. Saving a Well File to Disk - - - - - - - 11 D. Drawing the Decline Curve - - - - - - - 12 E. Printing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 5. MENUS, DATA ENTRY SCREENS, AND SAMPLE PLOTS A. Main Menu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fig 1 B. Production Data Entry Screen - - - - - Fig 2 C. Decline Curve Data Entry Screen - - - Fig 3 D. Single Width Decline Curve - - - - - - Fig 4 E. Double Width Decline Curve - - - - - - Fig 5 F. Print Data Entry Menu - - - - - - - - Fig 6 6. ERROR MESSAGES, POSSIBLE CAUSES, AND WHAT TO DO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This manual is divided into 3 major chapters. Chapter One will give you instructions on making your backup copy of this program disk. It is strongly suggested that you do this before attempting any other task with the program. Chapter Two is a general discription of the system commands and is titled Guide to Operations. You should thoroughly familiarize yourself with all seven topics before actually starting your practice session in Chapter 3. Decline Curve construction has in the past been a tedious but very necessary step in the evaluation of well performance and the construction of reserve bases and economics. The curves drawn by this program are limited by the resolution of the monitor and are thus not true three cycle log plots. They should be useful for spotting major trends when monitoring individual well or lease performance and for the preparation of presentation graphics for reserve reports, etc. This is version 1.0 of the Production Curve program for the IBM- PC. Every effort has been expended to make the program as useful and as easy to use as possible. Lynx Petroleum Consultants, Inc. will welcome comments and suggestions on program improvements. Lynx will also attempt to keep all users informed of updates and improvements to the program. A 128K IBM-PC w/1-160K disk drive, DOS 2.x or 3.0, a color monitor board and a color monitor are required to run the program. An Epson MX-80, MX-100 or equivalent printer with graphtrax installed is required for hardcopy printout of the decline curve. CHAPTER 2 MAKING YOUR BACKUP DISK A. TWO DISK DRIVE SYSTEM Insert the DOS disk into Drive A (the left drive) and turn on the monitor and computer. Type in the time and date as per DOS instructions. When the DOS prompt (A>) appears insert a new blank disk into Drive B and type format b:/s Press the ENTER key. The message "Insert new disk for drive B and press any key when ready" will appear. Press any key. When formatting is complete, remove the disk in drive B and insert a second blank disk into drive B. Type y The message "Insert new disk for drive B and press and key when ready" will appear. Press any key. When formatting is complete, type n to return to the DOS prompt. Remove the DOS disk from drive A and move the disk in Drive B to Drive A. Type copy con autoexec.bat Press the ENTER key. Type procurve.com Press the ENTER key. Press the F6 key. Press the ENTER key. When the copy operation has been completed, insert your Produc-tion Curve program disk into Drive B and type copy b:procurve.com a: Press the ENTER key. When the copy operation has been completed, type copy b:example1.dcc a: Press the ENTER key. Remove the original Production Curve program disk from drive B and store it as a backup when the copy operation has been completed. Your new Production Curve program is now ready for use. Label it and the data disk and proceed to Chapter 2. B. SINGLE DRIVE SYSTEM Insert the DOS 1.1 disk into Drive A (the left drive) and turn on the monitor and computer. Type in the time and date as per DOS instructions. When the DOS prompt (A>) appears type format b:/s Pres the ENTER key. The message "Insert new disk for drive B: and press any key when ready" will appear. Remove the DOS 1.1 disk. Insert a new blank disk in Drive B. Press any key. When formatting is complete, the message "Format another (Y/N)?" will appear. Type y The message :Insert new disk for drive B: and press any key when ready: will appear. Remove your blank (formatted) disk from drive B and insert a new blank into drive B. Press any key. When formatting is complete, the message "format another(Y/N)?" will appear. Type n to return to the DOS prompt (A>). Label the first disk "Production Curve Backup". Label the second "Production Curve Data". Insert the "Production Curve Backup" disk into drive A. Type copy con autoexec.bat Press the ENTER key. Type procurve.com Press the ENTER key. Press the F6 key. Press the ENTER key. When the copy operation has been completed remove your disk from drive A and insert the Production Curve program disk into drive A. Type copy a:procurve.com b: Press the ENTER key. The message "Insert new disk for drive B: and strike any key when ready" will appear. Remove the Production Curve program disk and insert the "Production Curve Backup" disk into drive A. Press any key. When the copy is complete the message "1 File(s) copied" will be displayed. Remove your disk and insert hte Production Curve program disk into Drive A. Type copy a:example1.dcc b: Press the ENTER key. The message "Insert new disk for drive B: and strike and key when ready" will appear. Remove the Production Curve program disk and insert the "Production Curve Backup" into drive A. Press any key. When the copy is complete the message "1 File(s) copied" will be displayed. Your new backup copy of the Production Curve program is now ready for use. Store the original Production Curve program disk in a safe place for use as a backup. C. Hard Disk System The following instructions will construct one subdirectory for your Procurve program and data files. They ASSUME 1)that your hard disk is designated Drive C and 2) that you will wish to run the Procurve program from the Root Directory of your system. With the DOS prompt (C>) on the screen type cd\ Press the ENTER Key. Type MKDIR \procurve Press the ENTER Key. Type copy con c: procurve.bat Press the Enter Key. Type CD \procurve Press the Enter Key. Type procurve.com Press the Enter Key. Press the F6 Key. Press the Enter Key. The message "1 File(s) copied " will be displayed. Insert the Procurve program disk into Drive A (Floppy disk drive). Type copy a: procurve com c:\procurve\procurve.com Press the ENTER Key. The message "1 File(s) copied" will be displayed. Type copy a:example1.dcc c:\procurve\example1.dcc Press the Enter Key. The Procurve program is now installed on the hard disk. To run type Procurve Press the ENTER Key. CHAPTER 3 GUIDE TO OPERATIONS A. ENTER OR EDIT WELL DATA From the MAIN MENU type "E" to enter or edit well data. The screen shown in Fig. 2 will appear. There will be a blank in the Wellname position and zeroes in all other positions if a well record has not been entered manually during this session or loaded from disk. The cursor will be positioned at Wellname. The first data item will be Wellname. It may be any combination of letters and numbers (both caps and lower case are allowed) with no spaces or punctuation marks. Invalid characters will signal the user with a "beep". The Wellname may be from 1 to 8 characters in length. The BACKSPACE key may be used to correct errors before the ENTER key is pressed. If well data has previously been entered manually or loaded from the disc during this session then the Wellname data entry position will contain this data. Press the ENTER key when you are satisfied with your entry. You may change the Wellname data item any time after you have pressed the ENTER key by pressing the HOME key to relocate the cursor to the Wellname position. The second data item will be Beginning Year. It will consist of four numbers with no spaces or punctuation marks. Invalid characters will signal the user with a "beep". The BACKSPACE key may be used to correct errors before the ENTER key is pressed. If well data has previously been entered manually or loaded from the disk during this session then the Beginning Year data entry position will contain this data. Press the ENTER key when you are satisfied with your entry. You may change the Beginning Year data item any time after you have pressed the ENTER key by pressing the HOME key and the ENTER key once to relocate the cursor to the Beginning Year position. All subsequent data items consist of production data. The maximum capacity of the program is 10 years of production data. During production data entry, the cursor control keys (UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT), and the PGUP and PGDN keys are activated as well as the BACKSPACE and ENTER keys. Data items may be up to 6 numbers in length with no spaces or punctuation marks. Invalid characters will signal the user with a "beep". The BACKSPACE key may be used to correct errors before the ENTER key is pressed. The four cursor control keys (UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT) may be used in lieu of the ENTER key. They may also be used to reposition the cursor anywhere on the production data entry screen. After the last production data item on a page (year) has been entered the program signals the user with a "beep". the PGDN key may now be pressed to view the screen for the next year. The previous year screen may be obtained by pressing the PGUP key. The HOME key will pageup to the beginning year and position the cursor to the Wellname data entry position. The enter or edit well data mode is terminated by pressing the F1 key. This returns the user to the MAIN MENU. B. LOAD WELL DATA FROM DISK The Load Well Data from Disk command is used to retrieve one of your previously stored well records from the data disk. From the MAIN MENU type "L" to execute this command. The computer will respond with the question "Will your data disk be located in Drive A, B or C?". Your response must be an "A" (indicating the left drive) a "B" (indicating the right drive), or a "C" (indicating hard disk) followed by the ENTER key. The computer will then read the file directory on the designated disk and ask you for your selection. It is not necessary for you th enter the ".DCC" extension to the file name as this is handled internally. Press F1 to return to the MAIN MENU after the file is read. C. SAVE WELL DATA TO DISK The Save Well Data To Disk command is used to store a well record to the Data disk. From the MAIN MENU type "S" to execute this command. The computer will respond with the question "Will your data disk be located in drive A, B or C?". Your response must be an "A" (indicating the left drive) a "B" (indicating the right drive), or a "C" (indicating hard disk) followed by the ENTER key. The computer will then read the file directory on the designated disk and ask you for the File to Save. If the Wellname is correct, simply press the ENTER key. If not, the Wellname may be entered using the same rules as outlined in ENTER OR EDIT WELL DATA (files are stored by Wellname) Press the ENTER key and the well record will be stored. Press F1 to return to the MAIN MENU. D. DRAW THE PRODUCTION CURVE From the MAIN MENU type "D" to execute this command. The screen shown in Fig. 3 will appear. Answer each question pressing the ENTER Key when you are satisfied with your response. The "Curve Scaling Factor" is the top scale on the three log cycle Y axis. Your options here are 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100. Any other response will result in a "DATA ERROR" error message. If an invalid response message occurs, simply type in the correct data and press the ENTER Key to proceed. The Up Arrow cursor control Key may be used to edit any data item if you discover an error after you have pressed the ENTER Key. Press the F2 key to plot. The computer will plot and extrapolate the curve according to the parameters assigned in Fig. 3. The decline rate projected is in % per year. NOTE: ONLY THOSE POINTS BETWEEN CURVE START(YEAR/MONTH) AND CURVE END(YEAR/MONTH) WILL BE USED AS DATA FOR THE EXTRAPOLATION. OTHER DATA THAT MAY BE PRESENT IN THE FILE WILL BE IGNORED. When the curve has been drawn the message "Do You Wish to Print?" will appear at the upper right hand corner of the screen. NOTE: Your printer must be an EPSON MX-80, MX-100 or equivalent with the graphics option installed to successfully print the curve. A "Y" response will signal the user with the question "Double Width?". An "N" response returns the user to the CURVE DATA ENTRY MENU. Please see Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 for comparisions of single and double width printouts. You will be returned to the CURVE DATA ENTRY MENU when printing has been completed. E. PRINT WELL DATA From the Main Menu type "P" to execute this command. The screen shown in Fig. 6x will appear. Answer each question pressing the ENTER key when you are satisfied with your response. If an invalid response message occurs, simply type in the correct data and press the ENTER key to proceed. The Up Arrow cursor control key may be used to edit any data item if you discover an error after you have pressed the ENTER key. Press the F2 Key to print. The computer will print the production data to the screen according to the parameters assigned in Fig. 6. NOTE: ONLY DATA IN THE INTERVAL FROM START(YEAR/MONTH) TO END(YEAR/MONTH) IS USED AS THE BASIS FOR THE PRODUCTION FORECAST. OTHER DATA THAT MAY BE PRESENT IN THE FILE WILL BE IGNORED. The annual totals for data in the interval are printed first. If the data ends at any time other than the end of a year, monthly production projections are calculated for the balance of the year and added to the actual figures to arrive at a single actual production number. Sebsequent annual projections, if requested, are then calclated and printed. Projected numbers are identified with an asterisk (*). Oil and water are printed in BBLS/Yr. Gas is printed in MCF/Yr. Press Shift-PrtSc if you wish to send the screen output to the printer. Pressing any character key will return the program to the PRINT DATA ENTRY MENU (fig. 6). F. CLEAR FOR NEW WELL From the MAIN MENU type "C" to execute this command. The Clear for New Well command is used to clear the computer memory of all well data. NOTE: IT DOES NOT AFFECT ANY WELL DATA STORED ON YOUR DATA DISK. You will be returned to the MAIN MENU when the clear operation has been completed. G. ERASE WELL FILE FROM DISK The Erase Well Data from Disk command is used to ERASE one of your previously stored well records from the data disk. From the MAIN MENU type "W" to execute this command. The computer will respond with the question "Will your data disk be located in Drive A, B or C?". Your response must be an "A" (indicating the left drive) a "B" (indicating the right drive), or a "C" (indicating the hard disk) followed by the ENTER key. The computer will then read the file directory on the designated disk and ask you for your selection. It is not necessary for you to enter the ".DCC" extension to the file name as this is handled internally. Press F1 to return to the Main Menu after the desired file(s) have been erased. H. Quit This command exits the program and returns the user to the DOS prompt (A>, B>, or C>). CHAPTER 4 GETTING STARTED WITH EXAMPLE 1 ------------------------------ Your program disk contains a sample production record titled example1. You have now created the backup disk according to the directions in Chapter 1 and read through the Guide to operations in Chapter 2. Let's go through some examples of the program's operation before trying some of your own production records. A. LOADING A PREVIOUSLY SAVED WELL FILE Insert your program disk in drive A (the left drive) and turn on the computer (or press CTRL ALT and DEL to system reset). Hard disk systems maybe started by typing "Procurve " from the root directory of Drive C. The Main Menu will appear on the screen. Type "L" and press the ENTER key. Since Example1 is saved on the program disk you will type either an "A" or a "C" and press ENTER to tell the program where to look for the well file. After "File to Load?" type "example1" and press the ENTER key. When the well file has been loaded you may press F1 to return to the MAIN MENU. B. ENTERING WELL DATA From here type "E" to "Enter or Edit Well Data" and press the ENTER key. The wellname (Example1), beginning year (1981), and one year of production data will appear on the data entry screen. Press the PgDn key two times to display the data for the year 1983. Now press the down arrow key until the cursor is positioned at the first month that contains no data. Add the following three months of data pressing the ENTER key after each entry. 300 600 60 2750 580 70 305 560 70 Whoops, 2750 should be 275. Press the up arrow key twice, retype 275, and press the ENTER key. That's got it fixed. Press the F1 key to return to the MAIN MENU. C. SAVING A WELL FILE TO DISK Let's save the changes we've made to example1. Type "S". Insert a blank (formatted) data disk into drive B (the right drive). Type a "B" and press the ENTER key. If you do not wish to change the name of the well file simply press the ENTER key again. Press F1 to return to the MAIN MENU when "Save Completed" flashes at the lower right hand corner of the screen. Hard disk users may type a "C" to re-store the well record to the hard disk. D. DRAWING THE DECLINE CURVE Type "D". 1000 will center the curve on a three cycle log scale so type 1000 and press the ENTER key. Since Example1 has less than 5 years of data, let's set up a 5 year graph. Type "5" and press the ENTER key. The other four pieces of required data are beginning year (1981), beginning month (1), ending year (1984), and ending month (6). Now you will be asked if you wish to have Oil, Gas and Water plotted and extrapolated. Answer "Y" or "N" as appropriate, pressing the ENTER key after each answer. The question "Do you wish to print? (Y or N)" will appear in the upper right hand corner of the screen when plotting has been completed. Press the "Y" or "N" key as appropriate. The "Do you wish to print? (Y or N)" will now be replaced with the question "Double Width? (Y or N)". Press the "Y" or "N" key as appropriate. the "N" response will print a single width curve as is shown is Fig.5-4. The "Y" response will print a double width curve as is shown in Fig.5-5. You will be returned to the CURVE DATA ENTRY MENU when printing has been completed. Press F1 to return to the MAIN MENU. E. PRINTING Type "P" to bring up the "PRINT DATA ENTRY MENU". This time we want the production forecast to be based on data in the file from January, 1981 thru May, 1983. Type in beginning year (1981), beginning month (1), ending year (1983), and ending month (5). Answer "Y" to each of the four questions "Oil Printed?","Extrapolated?","Gas Printed?", and "Extrapolated?". Answer "N" to the "Water Printed?" question. The last question will ask for the number of years to extra-polate. The maximum number allowed is 20 and 20 is the default if no number is specified. Press F2 to print to screen. Press Shift-PrtSc to send the screen output to the printer. Pressing any other character key will return the program to the "Print DATA ENTRY MENU". CHAPTER 6 ERROR MESSAGES, POSSIBLE CAUSES, AND WHAT TO DO Disk Operations: Message What to Do Not Ready Error Reading Insert data disk on Drive ___ or Drive ___ close the drive ___ door and Abort, Retry, Ignore press "R". FILE NOT FOUND The referenced file is not on the disk. Check your spelling. Check to make sure that the directory contains the file that you wish to load. DISK DIRECTORY FULL Your Data Disk directory is full. Insert a new formatted Data Disk into Drive ___ and try again. DISK WRITE ERROR or There may be insufficient space on UNDEFINED WRITE ERROR the disk for the file you are try- ing to save. The data disk may be bad. Insert a new formatted Data Disk into Drive ___ and try again. Print Operations: PLEASE CHECK PRINTER Turn Printer on or Press the printer outline bu tton. Data Entry Operations: DATA ERROR The last data item entered was out of range. Input the correct data and press the key.