zzUVWL + Dـ| u؋M~?}=~=Sentdim Systems August 1989t AzzM]EUËL4 }=~ 6"9\ t t+ҋ+Ҹuzz +\  \DTw Ǔ+Ҁ~V#3#3 zz 6"9 t-tL t tr " فyx| u؃&&Uzz&&\&L&T |& u" u u3@ u ч˓ ******************************** 6"9\ t t+ ** **0w Ĵ Njڋ+~ ** Past Due Books **댱#  ** **}- }F~ 6"9N ** Version 1.01 **3ރu ** **tN t t u#G ** Operators Manual **rs^F_^]ËDT ** **ڊĊ֊󫒫Á|?} ********************************$޷~ڊԊ+zz_^ƻ? t++Ў&E 6fFFWD|LTzz" 4utsC~|'|?}|~++ɋًzz NJ D _Î&E 6fzz SW،ÎێT+бtNtO} TL\$zzҀ΀،Îێ_ú?D% D D tUVWF^N TABLE OF CONTENTS׉F^NV ߋϋFt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Area Page _--------------------------------------------------------- ----E :Feneral Comments4^NVvF ]^NVv][YZ^XX+<System Requirements.................................................... 1ETUP$""""" nK;.@k EEIntroduction........................................................... 2KIBRARY{ UVWT66PD66jlP4PVVj _^]5General Comments....................................................... 2 Check Out Books Menue...................................dSet Up Program......................................................... 2VWV Change/Inquire....................................... VWV(PVVLibrary Program........................................................ 3 Edit Listings........................................ +؂-3 Check Out Books Menu................................................. 3 Check Out Books Option............................................. 4QSP6 Change/Inquire..................................................... 4H Delete............................................................. 4W Edit Listing....................................................... 5!x P.Due Teach Listotices......................... _^]UVW CHECK IN BOOKS MENU.................................................. 5 CHANGE/INQUIRE, DELETE, EDIT LISTING............................... 6~ Identify Past Due Books...............................^s~-mv WVV REPORTS.............................................................. 6F V Compute Past Due Fines................................H|P߱o QINDEX TO USER MANUAL................................................... 7Ezz} uE=~=?}Zu޵ݸ?P  System Requirements :=~TgE&99&9PELUVUXs+d--------------------`ݸ?5;.DDD@DD UWUUW To operate the program you will need a IBM PC,XT,AT or compatibleF%personal computer with at least 1 360 k floppy drive, 192k of ram, a< w CGA or Monographic display adaptor, and MS or PC DOS version 2.0 or PPUhigher.SVU.]^[[.7._vv\[.7._zzÐЛÐÛÐěNOTE: IBM PC,XT,AT and PC DOS are trademarks of International BusinessO.H Machines Corporation6  &RPFÃ^XZ x RP MS-DOS is the trademark of Microsoft Corporation?5h!??d MS DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation{ ؛.` ٛ.`zz..Lɛ"~fzѰ"Ѐu$t~INTRODUCTION :)zɛțɛț2t2tz--------------~fruLtJ{H؛..V5ٛ..L*ћ~fts The objective of the PAST DUE BOOKS program is to account for studenttbooks checked out from smaller school libraries.ɛUf~ɛfru& To operate the program you need to first SetUp information about yourlibrary and branches. The program allows two branch locations for one libraryand corresponding passwords and fine rates for each branch. The maximumnland Inumber of records per branch is 425.error Abnormal program termination L Once the desired data has been entered in the setup program, thed(c) Copyfile containing the master information needs to be placed on the same diskay Noas is the main library program.tion WithoutThe Written Permission of Sentdim S To operate the program place the disk into your disk drive and type theitword "Library". The program will automatically load. You will be asked requirwhich library branch you want to use. Make your selections here by pressingngeon the left and right arrow keys until your choice is highlighted. When EGAready, then press the return key to start the program.put being sent to screen The record limit of 425 is designed to handle libraries that checkg Soout 25 7-day books each day or 125 books per week. At this rate, 3 full weeks without any checkins would require 375. Assuming half the 1st and 2nd week e Ubooks were returned, the record space requirement would be 250.Key to RunlibmaGENERAL COMMENTSs$ %.2f$ %.2flibmast.datw1. % Highlighted Menu Bars - The program uses highlighted menu bars for eachswd menu and "YES" or "NO" decision questions. To operate, use the up_downme arrow keys found on the numeric keypad jointly with numbers 8 and 2 to%s position the vertical menus. For the horizontal menus use the left-rightn arrow keys found on the numeric keypad jointly with numbers 4 and 6. Ifnt you are using an enhanced keyboard use the arrow keys provided. and 2 to position vertical menus and use the left-rights %s Escape Key - The escape key can be used throughout the program to get out E of processes that have started. If pressed you will be returned to the menu from which you selected the process.ou have an enhanced keyboard et you can use the arrow keys provided.ranch 2 :Passw Backup Disketts - If you have not already done so you should make a backupr: copy of your program diskette and place the original away for safekeeping. to get out of processes that have started. If d^ Program Diskette - You should prepare a blank diskette for use as the prog-y ram diskette. On this diskette you should copy the file "LIBRARY.EXE"NG from the application diskette.scape key is pressed while checking inPAQ books you will be returned to the "Check In Books" Printer - A printer is not required but is highly recommended.ooks, thee.SETUP PROGRAMam diskette has enough room to hold a data file for both After you have made your backup copy and prepared the program disketteng pyou are ready to set up the program. You call the program by enteringZ "SETUP" at the prompt. The program will load and display a menu. The first item will be "Manual" where you can print or display the user manual.e, make The second option is "SET UP & CHANGE". This option is used torkingdJ enter intial data needed by the LIBRARY program and to change data after ithas been set up.ct a menu option, use the up and down arrows on the numeric The first time you run the program you will be asked to enter informationabout your library that will enable your program to run. NOTE-The LIBRARY P.$program will not run unless you have sucessfully run this program.tting Upon selection of the "SET UP & CHANGE" option you will be askedheto enter the following:ANGE". D"PATH=COhe first time you run this option you will be asked to enter(U*++,, 1. Library Name - Usually the school name. Example: Centralm to run.gg 2. Branches - Names of the library branches. Example: North & SouthG 3. Passwords - Passwords for each branch that will be used to allowg access to the Change, Delete, and Check-in processes.th 4. Fines - The periodic rate for fines. If books are checked out % and returned late this rate times the days equals fines. Once you have entered this information you can change the data asneedW needs be by calling this option and selecting the fields to change off of themenu. Each time you make a change you will be asked to verify that the datais correct before returning to the "Set Up Menu".ch book can be entered. The After your initial set up a data file name "LIBMAST.DAT" is created.theYou should copy this file to your program diskette that contains the main^program file "LIBRARY.EXE". will use this rate to compute fines._F^F Your "SETUP.EXE" and related "MANUAL.TXT" files should be kept ^F Fseparated from your program diskette. This is necessary to prevent any un-CPauthorized use of the program once it is implemented. If, during the program'suse the Password security becomes breached or your fine rates change you can update the "LIBMAST.DAT" file.ith a horizontaly menu that allows you to t Once your "LIBMAST.DAT" file has been created and copied onto theN*Pprogram diskette you are ready to run the program. should copy the datab>Lile "LIBMAST.DAT" onto the diskette that holds the "LIBRARY.EXE" program.ihe "SETUP.EXE" program should be kept separate from your normal programuexecution diskette to prevent any unauthorized use.fines on past due booksF Once you have completed the above steps you are ready to run thestemRPvLibrary" program.P ^&G >Bv#1PPP !PPvv^1zzvP5 > t PPvv^!PPvv^>Bv vv]LIBRARY Identify Past Due Books and Compute Past Due Fines Options will5P&w You can run the program from the diskette or from a hard drive if you^ &have one. To run from a hard drive you will need to copy the contents of the_diskette that contains the "LIBRARY.EXE" and "LIBMAST.DAT" to your hard drive.wTo run the library program type in at the prompt "Library" and the programItwill start. After the banner formalities you will be asked to choose the%=branch. You do this by positioning the highlight over the option you want andpressing return. If a data file exists for this branch the program will read^the file and if this is the first time the program is run, a data file for thebranch will be created. The name of this data will be "branch name.DAT".h.DATYou will need to copy this file onto your backup diskette each time you change6the file contents. Edit List of File == Pvv KP == ==6 C tF~]^VWU PAST DUE BOOKS MENU Return to Main Menu == CF FtK^&O H Once the program is through with reading or creating the file, the VWUmain program menu titled "PAST DUE BOOKS MENU" will appear. At the very top Wof the screen you will see the library nam and branch displayed. The next linline down will be the menu title followed by a line which displays the numberof active records on file. Inside the menu box are your options : then pressJ1. Check Out Books, 2. Check In Books, 3. Reports, and 4. Exit.>It23 CHECK OUT BOOKS MENU^ &u;s3+Nj]_^UF Ft0^&? The first menu option "Check Out Books" will carry you to another menuFwhich has the following options: 5 choices :8^&?*u&)^&?+u&^zzu& | & F F t^&?|&?~ ^&?zt >zt>zuy"F>zu After entering your first record a prompt at the bottom of the recordVFwill be displayed asking you to verify that the record is correct. If it is.not correct select "NO" and a horizontal menu will be displayed allowing youw to choose the field you want to correct.tF3>.^t1^&G ;2^t$60^ Once correct data is entered, you will be asked if you want to do anotherXrecord. If you select "YES" a fresh record input display will appear. As youfinish entry of the "Call Number" field, the prior record student and teacher>.names will appear. You will be asked if this is correct. At any time during3entry of data you may press the ESCAPE key to return to the "CHECK OUT" Menu.CHANGE/INQUIRE P(^&_F^>zt F Ft$>ztP!!DDy"~ This option operates the same here as it does in the "CHECK IN BOOKS MENU"and is used to change or inquire of data on file. The first thing you will.be asked for when you select this option is a "Password". If you do not havethe correct password entry will be denied. Assuming you have the correct P]_password, you will first be given the option to select a record by its recordH=number. If you do not know the record number or want to inquire more than^&wone record, a horizontal menu will appear for you to select the key field on^which to find a record or records.^&GP^F~|^F^ ^&_F Once you select a field you will be asked to enter descriptive datav#_that the program will use to search the file. This data can be 1 to the max-.imum number of characters allowed for any field. Example: If you wanted to find a student whose first name was ISSAC but you could not remember how to^]spell it, select the student first name field and enter IS. The program willzsearch the file and return to the screen any 2 character matches of "IS".FtV The program will search for a match in every record on file. If youvv found what you wanted and don't want to wait while the program continues to 0Psearch the file, press the escape key and you will be returned to theP!!DD"CHECK OUT BOOKS MENU". In cases where this option is executed from the vC"CHECK IN BOOKS MENU", the escape key will return you to that menu.&2FDELETE:dȸqѻ™ }ډV^㋇$N &Nudv v u0 P0V This option operates the same under this menu as it does under the0+^"CHECK IN BOOKS MENU" as did the "CHANGE/INQUIRE" option. The first thingv vyou will be asked is to enter a password. Again, if this password is not RPv correct, you will not be allowed to execute this option. Assuming everythingxis correct, you will be asked to enter the record number that is to bevvdeleted.F}VF0PvvvvV "PPvv^9Pvv v This option only allows records to be deleted by record number.vv8.PRecord numbers usually can be obtained from one of the report listings. Ifyou have to delete a number of records, it would be prudent to first run a^Pprinted copy of a report that contains the record numbers. Then, from thisCVlisting, select the records you want to delete.P CVF^&?u&r Next call the "Delete" option from either the "CHECK IN BOOKS MENU" or"CHECK OUT BOOKS MENU" and enter the first record to be deleted. Once a &record has been selected for deletion it will be displayed and you will be,"Vasked to confirm that "Delete" is what you want. After the record is deletedyou will be asked if you want to delete another. A "NO" response here willreturn you to the menu from which you entered the option. 2PPP $zzPP DP 'P6N6Nvv3PPW}VF^&G&G APRvzzPPPy,"VF]U^&?_t{vS(.P0 tdvv0.PEDIT LISTINGv8.P0 t^;va Upon entering this option you will be asked if you want a full report.H=A full report will list every active record on file. If you select "NO" you.Dwill be able to enter a range of due dates to print out. Example : Suppose<^you just checked out books that are to be due 09/30/99. If you want to seeDif what you entered was correct you can call the "Edit Listing" option and>h.select a range of due dates that start and end with 09/30/99. The program willlist only those records that have a due date of 09/30/99.t|3]_^VWUL Prior to printing any information the program will calculate the numberof pages needed if a hard copy of the report is printed. This message comesjust before you are asked if you want a printed copy. If you select "YES" theoutput will be to the printer, otherwise the report will be displayed to the screen. To stop printing once it has started you can press the escape key and^the program will return to the menu from where you called the option.R^P^ CHECK IN BOOKS MENUU _ _tE~u _&wP _ _t" _ Selection of this option allows you to check in books that have _6R^been checked out, calculate a fine if the book is past due, and remove the bookfrom the active file. To be removed from the file the book must meet theG &Gfollowing criterion:]&W&G &G ؎&ƀt|PDD uF]& 1. Books that have been returned and are not subject to a fine are removed automatically.F^^&W&G^&W&G*^ ,^t*^F^&,^* 2. Books that are subject to a fine must (A) have been returned and &G  (B) the fine must have been paid.^&F^&W&G^&W&GV&]]^&_F^ Ft#^&W&G^&W&Gvv0ɋ Upon entry to this option you will be presented with a horizontal menu that allows you to check in books by any of the seven field options on themenu ie; Student Last Name, Student First Name, Teacher, Due Date, ID Number,Call Number, or Title.P^&G ~&wP^&G&_&G.^VUv To select a field, position the highlighted bar on the field you^ want to search the file with and press return. The program will look at everyrecord and test it to see if there is a match. Example, if you selected P^"Student Last Name" as your search field, you would then be asked to enter tthe name. If you entered "Jones" the program will search the file for eachrecord that has the last name of "Jones". If it finds a record it will displaythe record on the screen and start a series of user responded questions about Nthe book which can be answered "YES" or "NO"./^CJ J  wFXCa^CbC The first question asks if the book has been returned. A "NO" answerarewill prevent the book from being deleted from the file.e disk. Single drive 36 The second question asks if there is a fine due on the book. If your answer is "NO" and the book has not been returned the program will go on to thenext record that matches the search field. If you had answered "YES" to the "is book returned" question, the record would be deleted and the program would*go on to the next record that matches the search field. * Let's say there is a fine due on the book and you answer "YES". The *program will ask you to enter the number of days past due. After you enter thedays past due the program will calculate the fine by multiplying the days by *the fine rate for your branch and display this for your verification. If the *fine amount is not correct it can be changed before going further. * Once the fine amount has been finalized, you will be asked if the *fine has been paid. If you answer "YES" and the book has been returned it willbe deleted from the file. If you answer "YES" and the book has not been\L returned, the program will go to the next record. If you answer "NO" the aprogram will go to the next record. To exit this program you can hit thethis mescape key and you will be returned to the "CHECK IN BOOKS MENU". pe CHANGE/INQUIRE, DELETE, EDIT LISTING?}|zz++ɋً/$ These menu options operate the same as explained under the "CHECK OUT BOOKS MENU" section on pages 4 and 5.TL\$zz،Îێ_ú?D% D D tzzVWF^NV + Access to the "CHECK IN BOOKS MENU" requires a password. The password=======allows you to move freely within the options without having to re-enter the password as opposed to accessing the "CHANGE/INQUIRE" and "DELETE" options=====from the "CHECK OUT BOOKS MENU".======================Topic zz Page^NV----------------------REPORTS MENU------------------------ --------]System requirements... This menu option displays the report options available. They are.......named 1. "Total File List" A listing sorted alphabetically by student lastOpti name that allows you to select a range of due dates or the entire file contents.qzz\]ػzz {d\Gt0zzd 2. "P.Due Stud List" A listing sorted alphabetically by student lastF name that allows you to select a range of studentPV last names or the entire file contents. The for- mat of the report differs from the first report.zzR4@l;.LOQvzz, UVW 3. "P.Due Teach List" A listing sorted alphabetically by teacher name  that allows you to select a range of teacher$I names or the entire file contents. The formatM of this report prints the teacher's name in the left most column only for the first record that matches. When the name changes, three extra66" spaces are included to help identify new names.~ zzF~Ymv ~$F^t@^^s1208 Lorimer Rd.v 4. "P.Due Notices" A listing sorted alphabetically by teacher name that allows you to print "Advance Notices" oru a file listing based upon the report date.ments: The "Advance Notice" option will print a notice Co for each record on file. The report date optionks will print a notice only for records whose dueos 2 date is before the report date. Records having a due date that is the same as the report will& be listed. Those records whose due dates are]X beyond the report date will not be listed.zzÐЛIBM PC,XT,AT, & PC DOSzz trademarks of International Business Machines?MS DOS is a trademark zzicrosoft Corporation  &RPFÃzzZ x RPFzzRPnÃ~XZ[^Ã^XZ5h!?5h!--------------d3zzUf~fru.u؛t{ ؛.zz ٛ.`zz..Lɛ"~fzѰ"Ѐu$zz~F@zzt)zɛțɛț2tIntroduction:]zzUf~fruLtJ{H؛..V5ٛ..L* The objective of zzprogram is help account for student past due books~that have been checkedzz of smaller school libraries. The program will ~account for 550 recordzz`ɛ.d~FAt Parts of the progzzwill require a password for the operator to gainnaccess to the program.zze Setup program on the diskette allows the user to (cassign the school namezze library branch identifiers (two max), the pass- terwords to be used by eazzranch, and the fine rates for books at each branch.UpIt is desireable to kezzhis file away from general use to protect the1.01Thiintegrity of the data.zzch branch can have up to 550 books on file at Permissany one time. SystemszzDo So Violates the LawBack Up Copies are Permitted Wi To operate the przzm, place the program diskette into your disk drive%cand type "Library". Tzzrogram will automatically load. You should have fielthe SetUp data file onzz same disk as the "Library Program" as it will useyeinformation from this zz to process data.ter Not Communicating. Out put iszzng directed to the Index To User Manual Place papzzn printer and try zzn Sorry, The printer is turned off. 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