TPOV? Welcome to the SPORT Wide Area Information Transfer System.? This is a fully functional beta version of the SPORT system? with the exception that the registered version will not? display this screen. In this way we hope to encourage you? to register this product. Registration is free during the? beta test period. Please consult the SPORT documentation? for additional details. This product is provided for your( use without warranty or guarantee. ? Product Information : Augustine Associates (415) 285-7064? Bulletin Board : Satore Center (415) 753-3356U * SPORT Script WindowD ^ = Ring Bell @ = Repeat Script n = Wait N ZUP fn = ZModem ULD * = Initialize + = Check Carrier - = Hangup ZDOWN = Zmodem DLD or *b,p,w,s for ~ = Pause 1 Second | = CR DOS c = DOS Comm.D baud/port/ws/sb > = Console Write = = Match :nn = Set DelayB These are column 1 Script Macros and InLine Script Macros. PleaseB see the SPORT documentation on how to use these commands & files.+ Enter name of SCripT or QUE file to run : .SCTN Script Active Press ANY KEY To Abort .QUE8> QUE Script. Will dial until connected or key pressed. QUE Script aborted by keyboard NO CARRIER VOICE NO DIAL TONE SCRIPT: Zmodem Upload: Next File: ZDOWN Key pressed, cancelling script. No carrier, script aborted [END])Will restart the script in 10 seconds ... Will restart the script in seconds ... U >b)(v : T n Decompress the Library (N/y) : Decompressing Message Library... /C U 2Do you want to make the changes permanent (N/y) : /C SPREP YU + The following Function Keys are available: FK1 = FK2 = FK3 = FK4 = FK5 = FK6 = FK7 = FK8 = FK9 = U Begin Utility Mode Utilities Menu G Q ... Quit U ... SPORT Utilities O ... Op SystemJ R ... Reset *.BAD to FLS L ... Library Utilities P ... Delete PollsK ? ... Online Help C ... Create Poll N ... Make Log NoteJ - ... Hold ALL Mail + ... Unhold ALL Mail D ... Display MailM X ... Edit IDX File G ... Edit CFG File E ... Edit Event File Press the key of your choice: DYou have not declared an external editor in your SFLASH.RAW file andb)(v& 4 -------------------------------------------------- * System Check * Checking FLO file consistency *.FLO * Unlocated: * Checking IDX file SFLASH.IDX $ Entry over 60 characters in length ,% Missing comma after FLS declaration ;* Missing semicolon after telephone number ;1200 ;2400 ;9600 No baud rate for this entry SFLASH.0?? * Number of library messages = "* Check and clean out your library * Modem Check * HangUp Modem * Reset Modem * Initialize Modem * End System CheckU >c);u >c)!u >b)FvE 3 SPORT Mail Scheduler Current Priority Slot AutoSchedule = When AutoSchedule is TRUE SPORT will schedule mail. When FALSE, only mail on the schedule will be sent until there is no more to send, or you CLEAR/change the existing schedule. Use [C] for AutoSchedule.U DSelect: Priority Slot Number, C)lear, A)dd, D)elete, R)ank, Q)uit : C SPORT.SCD Current Priority: New Priority: D1Enter: Priority Slot Number to delete [1 - 20] : A(Enter: Flash Message to add [no path] : Q+Enter New Priority Slot Number [1 - 20] : U 5 ERRORLEVEL Exit Request From Keyboard@ You have asked to exit SPORT with an ERRORLEVEL of your choice.C After entering the ERRORLEVEL, SPORT will exit to your batch file.A You must have called SPORT from a batch file to use this option.@ If you did not call SPORT from a batch file, just press RETURN.1 Please enter the ERRORLEVEL to use (6 to 255) : * Terminate with ERRORLEVEL = U . CHANGE SYSTEM PARAMETERS7 You may now temporarily change some system parameters.+ To reinstate the default parameters use R. Sysop Name : Change or RETURN : System Name : Mail Delay Factor: S, M, L, or 5-90 : Processing event Event Script: Exit to DOS with ERRORLEVEL = /C #Pausing to complete event window...U ALTSPAWN.BAT SPTSPAWN.BAT,* Unable to create SPAWN file - fatal error! ALTCHILD SPTCHILD SESSPAWN.BAT.* Unable to create SESSION file - fatal error! SESCHILD U /Remote Mail password validated. Please wait...#* Exiting for Remote Message SystemU Exiting for YooHoo Session SPORT.YOOU /C ALTSPAWN /C SPTSPAWN * End SubsystemU Disk read error. Disk write error. File not assigned. File not open. File not open for input. File not open for output.&Numerical variable missing or invalid. Disk is write-protected. Cannot recognize device. Drive not ready. Unknown command. CRC error in data.#Bad drive request structure length. Disk seek error. Unknown media type. Sector not found. Printer out of paper. Device write fault. Device read fault. Hardware failure. Division by zero. Range error. Stack Overflow. Heap OverFlow Invalid pointer. Floating point error. Overlay manager not installed. OVR read error or not located.U # 1 6 J T ^ h v { 9 > C U Z l q v !$!6!;!@!X!]!b!q! $)$u$ %Y%h%x% &'&3&8&[&`&e&!'<'N'Y'^'u'z' (#(1(6(;(P(^(i(w( )#)1)<)J)O)T)_)d) *'*,*5*:*G*}* +8+=+B+U+Z+_+q+v+{+ ,),.,3,M,R,W,a,f,o,x, -/-;-N-S-X-a- 0&0+000J0O0T0n0s0x0 1"1'1,1F1K1P1j1o1t1 2#2(2B2G2L2f2k2p2 3$3>3C3H3b3g3l3 3IYou have not declared an external editor and you are not using the editorJprovided with SPORT, SPORTEDT.EXE. Therefore you will only be able to add)lines to the indicated FLS and FLO files. *.FLS *.HLO Modify this Message: Y)es, N)o, Q)uit: /C SPORTU A U Please enter your name : SFLASH.0?? LASTREAD.SPT Checking for Flash Message : SFLASH. N [READ] FLASH MESSAGE FOR Private Mail ... From: Date: To : Subj: * System Attached: FLASH MESSAGE FOR --> [END] --- Appended Message 6 Press RETURN to proceed with this message, A to ABORTN TEMP.TXT [READ] [READ] Your SFlash Library contains active messages.- I = INDEX mode, T = Table of Contents, - V = VERBOSE mode, T = Table of Contents, Home End Reading #I D)el, E)cho, F)rwd, N)ew, P)rint, R)eply, S)ave, O)pSys, #), Q)uit : Press SPACE BAR to proceed: $Pass a command to DOS (or RETURN) : Executing: Press RETURN to continue... FRWD.TXT@Unable to open temporary file. Jump to which message number: SFLASH.LIBU SPORT.URGU FLASH.TXTU 8 Create another Flash Message (N/y): U Decompressing Message Library... /C U Decompressing Message Library... .HLO%Checking for incoming Flash Message: .% Message encrypted and/or compressed. * SystemFlash [ Pausing: 4... press RETURN to proceed, A to ABORT. ] O 6 Press [RETURN] to stop alarm and call options menu... Saving Flash Message as: SFLASH.7 * Library Full! Messages cannot be saved...C Press [RETURN] to call up options menu. @ <-- PRESS: R)eply, E)choBack, L)ibrary Read, Q)uit Copy file: FRWD.TXT Unable to open: Unable to open temporary file. Unable to close the files.7Reply to received Flash Message or enter a new message.U D b g 9 > C H ] g l v { !*!/!4!9!p! %$%9%C%H%c%u% &:&G&L&Q&V&f&k&p& (-(D(I(N(S(b(}( )#)()1)7)F)N)V)z) */*4*9*>*M*p*u*z* +(+:+E+J+O+^+c+ ,*,/,4,9,F,K,],h,m,r,z, - -%-4->-C-L-^-k-p-u- .1.6.;.C.M.W.\.o. FLASH.TXT Unable to create Flash Message. Forwarded from FRWD.TXT+! Unable to close working file (MAKEFLASH). To : Mass Mailing To : From: From: Date: Reply to: Reply to: :Subj: EchoBack[ Subj: Subj: Flash Message from SFLASH.HDR Using External Editor: AMESSAGE TRUNCATED. See attached MSG file, if any, for full text. MESSAGE Please note ...* The message you have created is too long.J This message will be truncated to the proper length. A copy of the full,6 untruncated message will be placed in the file named in your SPORT default directory. You may attach the file % to this message if you would like toB send the entire text. You may also rename and attach this file. , Please remember that SPORT will not delete during its normalI operations. If you no longer need the file you must delete it yourself.%/C IF EXIST FLASH.TXT COPY FLASH.TXT > NULO [ Word Wrap Active Use Backspace to Delete ].....]1 EchoBack Receipt of your Flash Message. Message Read: BLEN H S)ave, C)ont, R)eview, L)ine Chg, I)nsert, M)erge, D)elete, A)bort : Name of file to read: # Insert BEFORE which line number : 5 Enter line number to REWRITE (or RETURN) : 9 Sorry, you cannot modify the message header ... Old: New: = Message aborted... 5 Begin your review at which line (RETURN = 1) : 5 End your review at which line (RETURN = END) : * SystemFlash 1.10 Last Address: Last Filename: Use: NET/NODE(H) !FILENAME.EXT , OR NAME/ to address this message.3 Send to address? (?=Search Address, RETURN=End) : H3 Please confirm this address (Y/n) : .9 Invalid address. Please separate net and node with a /. Press any key to proceed: % Invalid address, please try again... .HLO# This Flash Message already exists!$ Press O)verwrite, A)ppend, S)kip : [END] Unable to create Flash Message. Could not open the file: Press RETURN to continue : FLASH MESSAGE FOR --> Message Forwarded by: [Forwarded] Creating FLO file: . Please wait...* Send this message to the printer (y/N) : ! Printing message, please wait...4 Unable to print this message, please check printer. Press RETURN to proceed: * Execute DOS command (or RETURN) : Executing: /C * Copy outgoing message to Library (y/N) : U ' F X ] r w !.!8!O!T!Y!q!v!{! "/"4"9"A"Y"a" #1#6#;#e#r#w# $ $%$4$V$[$`$}$ %-%8%=%B%J%g%l%q% &*&7&D&O&T&Y&r& '('2'A'Q'['e's' (&(.(@(M(X(e(j(o( )#)3)8)=)E)W)\)a)i){) * *%*5*<*g*v* +3+I+T+c+|+ ,(,6,I,e,j,o, -!-9-P-Z-d-r- .'.6.@.E.V.[.d.v.{. / /%/7/D/I/N/`/e/j/t/|/ 000>0C0H0 1#1(14191C1H1^1k1x1}1 2(2-2 3%3*3@3R3W3\3a3u3z3 4#4(404B4G4L4Q4[4`4s4x4 5+595>5C5M5R5g5r5w5 6%6*686=6R6f6t63 * Your SFLASH Library is getting full... Status : MAIL: Out = In = Bad = Library = Pending = Recent : OUT : IN : INFO: = SPORT Wide Area Information Transfer System$ Version: 1.10> (C)Copyright 1988,1990 Satore Center Software AutoSchedule@ Inbound:! Mailer Menu ! I Q ..... Quit SPORT U ..... Utilities K R ..... Reset E ..... Enter a Message O ..... Op System K H ..... HouseKeep L ..... Use Library S ..... Mail Status K W ..... Small Window T ..... Terminal Mode B ..... Bell Off K D ..... Batch Drop I ..... Immediate Mail N ..... No Screen K V ..... Video Change P ..... Poll a System ! ..... Print Log K F10 ... FK Menu M ..... Modify Message C ..... Configure O Outgoing Incoming Other Summary Out = O Current Mail Activity Next Event at 00:00 >T<