REVISION.TXT 03/06/2000 Full Release: 03/06/2000 - Final code cleanup. - Fixed pipes. Yes... again.... - Removed VARDEC entries freeing 550 bytes of runtime memory Public Beta 12: (RC5) 02/04/2000 ============== - Added reset of More Prompt when WFC is initialized (An N selection would produce blank screen on subsequent runs) Public Beta 11: (RC4) 01/19/2000 ============== - Fixed spurious Y2K issues - Fixed Menu prompt failure when ENABLE_MCI = N in WWIV.INI Public Beta 10: (RC3) 01/02/2000 ============== - Fixed AUTO_USER_PURGE logic error - Add option H in Uedit to change user password Public Beta 9: (RC2) 12/19/99 ============== - Fixed digit entry during sub listing - Fixed date displays and strings for Y2K. - Fixed BUG0047: 5 digit numbers display improperly in Sublist() - Fixed BUG0061: INIT does not allow > 8 comports - Fixed BUG0134: INI toggle for PipeColors not working - Fixed BUG0150: CHAIN.TXT/DOOR.SYS can be deleted in Temp Arc dialog - Fixed ACCT.INI truncation when changing Internet email address - Fixed /E commandline parameter not working properly - Added clrscrb()'s whenever network data is processed to clear WFC - Added code to FIX.EXE to correct STATUS.DAT dates and log filenames - Added missing file TTAGGING.MSG Public Beta 8: (RC1) 11/09/99 ============== - Fixed BUG0141: Incorrect diplay of users scanning sub - Fixed BUG0142: Extraction of UUE files prepending GFILES directory (again) - Fixed BUG0145: ListPlus configuration screen options missing - Fixed several string inconsistancies - Fixed the //EDIT and //TEDIT commands in the menu system - Fixed Regions problem with spaces in City/State names - Added a line to user listing to showing the number of users that scan the current sub. - Added Use AutoQuote option to user status and defaults. (This provides the capability to incorporate the old PBQuote or other internal quoters with minimal effort.) - Added support for PPP Project and UseNet Reference lines - Removed all requirements for the system password in the menu system entries except the menu editor. (SY: prompt will only appear locally if LOCAL_SYSOP=N in WWIV.INI or on the //EM command) - Removed spurious debugging code - Turned all optimizations on in Master makefile Public Beta 7: 10/02/99 ============== - Full string extraction to raise DGROUP - Changed default on "Delete this Message?" to (Y)es. - Fixed sublisting not working when ? selected - Enabled caching of all string files - Fixed extract prepending GFILES directory to UUE's Public Beta 6: 09/04/99 ============== - Fixed BUG0129: New Password displays real name on fail - Fixed BUG0115: After /A in xfers, puts you at null dir - Fixed BUG0116: G-Files show size as OFL - Fixed BUG0133: Fwd Email w/o delete corrupts EMAIL.DAT Public Beta 5: 08/08/99 ============== - Fixed spurious compile time warnings in master codeset - Fixed ON: apprearance in all messages (again....) - Fixed reported tendancy not to call out under Windows - Fixed BUG0097: WELCOME.ANS will not show up. - Fixed BUG0092: Macros don't work at WFC - Fixed BUG0057: DLFreeFile deletes uploadsrec description - Fixed BUG0104: Chat room exceptions w/using 2 instances - Fixed BUG0105: 3rd bad login Feedback screws up - Fixed BUG0107: Lockup while modifying user phone - Fixed BUG0108: BBS doesn't remember user's modified phone - Fixed BUG0112: Infinite loops in newuser password entry after failed attempt - Fixed BUG0117: Xfer Menu errors - Fixed BUG0118: Shrink flags being cleared when cleanup-events is called. - Fixed BUG0123: Dashes allowed in phone numbers Public Beta 4: 07/20/99 ============== - Fixed broken subslist (BUG096) - Fixed /A crashing the BBS - Fixed ON: apprearance in all messages - Fixed handling of odd Internet email addresses - Fixed hangups for external events - Fixed Real Name input properization (BUG094) Public Beta 3: 07/10/99 ============== - Fixed all reported menu system errors - Fixed //CM showing directories "." and ".." (BUG077) - Fixed chatroom and inter-instance message lockups (BUG074) - Fixed Node to run on diplay in //EE (BUG072) - Fixed All Conferences dialog in sublist (BUG073) - Fixed Qscan indicators in list_users (BUG062) - Fixed //EDIT command to allow any file location (BUG055) - Added corresponding O WFC Command for editing any file - Fixed colorization errors in INIT (Thanks Rob....) - Added //TEDIT command to allow editing in GFILES (BUG055) - Added Execute command to //EE to allow testing of an event - Added LOGON_PHONE INI setting. Y = ask for last four, N = don't ask If NEWUSER_MIN = Y, this setting is ignored. - Updated INI.STR and BBS.STR to relect changes - Removed redundant call to beginday() at the first logon of the day Public Beta 2: 07/05/99 ============== - Changed /V commandline option to /U - Fixed file listing wraps info line if UpBy is turned on (BUG050) - Fixed menu wrapper function of //IVOTES (BUG051) - Added INI configurable computer types. Reset-able in UEDIT, Option : and selectable from new user routines. - Added password checking in new user routine to ensure PW is not a substring of name, handle or phone numbers. - Added ! key at WFC to invoke Menu Editor Public Beta 1: 07/03/99 ============== - Fixed ASCII logon sequence not reponding (BUG043) - Moved system event handling to Event Editor - Removed SYSTEMNAME, SYSTEMPHONE, and SYSOPNAME INI entries - Added ability to specify drives shown on WFC screen. Changed INI setting to WFC_DRIVES - Fixed //RSORT prompting (BUG044) - Fixed lingering systems in ANSI callout - Fixed send_inst_msg lockups (BUG046) Internal Beta 3: ================ Additions to WWIV.INI WFC_DRIVE NO_PURGE_SL - Changed imail() behavior (mail after failing to chat) so it recognized when sysop mail is forwarded to an Internet address. - Added a prompt to mark messages as read when [B]ypassing sub during message scan. - Fixed use of stripcolors() routine throughout source, including where it didn't detect "Re:" lines that used colors in the title. - Menu Editor (//EM) now only displays the menu name and not extension, as it wouldn't work if you included the extension. - Fixed computation for total time and active time at WFC. - Fix hang-up after download after new batch-style download. - Fix so not all newusers received Sysop welcome auto-mail message. Now, users with a will get the standard welcome auto-mail. - Made the default newuser configuration not to use conferences. - Fixed quirk in LISTPLUS that didn't search all conferences if only one subboard conference was defined (changed to variable dirconf versus subconf). - Fixed so a month greater than 12 is not accepted during newuser birthday input. (How long has that been a problem?) - Changed rename_filename() routine to use Input1() function to keep the previous description in place for editing. - Added support for 94 colors (Ctrl-P - '0' through 'Z') and ColorConfig to MENU.TXT. COLOR.DAT is created when not found. //CLRCONFIG must be added to stock menu set (sysop-only). - Added WFC_DRIVE to WWIV.INI. This is the starting drive to monitor at the WFC screen, which is limited to 5 drives. //STATUS still displays all drives normally. - Fixed a problem when moving posts that copied from the wrong sub (due to the additional capabilities of sublist(). Also added a yn() prompt prior to delete_post(), allowing sysop to copy one post to multiple subs. Fixed so posts moved to network subs go out as network posts. - Now correctly shows in //WHO listing when user is at either the main or transfer section prompt. - Added a directory mask for "wwivreg" so individual directories can be flagged as requiring a WWIV registration number. This way, you don't have to maintain entire conferences just to restrict to registered WWIV. - Fix: user can't get into transfer area if no directories are available. - Fix: setldate() behavior (new file scan) to process correctly and Y2K fixes. - Added beginday() event to update the user ages based upon the birthdate. Previously, the age wasn't updated until the user's next logon. - Fixed broken ATTACH directory checking. If not defined in WWIV.INI, will now create it automatically under the BBS main directory. - Added a so() and lcs() (sysop-only or sub co-sysop) before loading form letters at the read prompt. This case was stacked with '@' (forward) command, but may have lost the security check when that happened. - Added WYSIWYG macro editor in defaults (based on Papa Bear mod). - Reverted to run beginday() event only on instance 1... found it can create conflicts by running on any node. - Added code to restore previous sub, dir and conference positions at logoff, again based on Papa Bear mod. - Fixed title input (Re: Old title) so it discarded a newline (#10). Some terminal programs make a CR/LF pair on [Enter], and it was only intercepting the CR and blanking the title on the LF. - Added forced use of fullscreen editor #1 (if defined) for ANSI callers and minimal newuser information (nu_min()). - Fixed NSCAN_NSCAN function in ListPlus so only directories in the user's NScan configuration are checked during nscanall(). (All directories may still be selected during a Search with NSCAN_SEARCH.) - Fixed some Internet mail forwarding glitches. - FOSSIL routines significantly rewritten to comply with FOSSIL R5 and to support the X00 FOSSIL extensions (X00, NetModem/32, WinFOSSIL among others). - Now bypasses SY: check if user is logged on locally AND Local Sysop is enabled in INIT. - Added support for a single 'Y' parameter in the DISABLE_PD call from WWIV.INI to disable the pulldown menus. - Added some missing ini_done() calls throughout the source where we added various parameters during development. - Externalized the strings and reformatted BBS.STR (LANGUAGE.STR) into a 255 character file. Disk space isn't the commodity as it once was! I've erred on the side of caution here, leaving many suspect areas in tact. - Added an extra "so()" (Sysop-only) check to the //DOS command, so one cannot accidentally create a menu-set item with too low an SL. - The MENUS directory is now built from the base of the 'languagedir', so additional languages can be more fully supported. - Modified I/O "wait_sec_or_hit()" routine to ensure there was a defined base port address first (ensuring it didn't pick up invalid ports). - Removed online help (Ctrl-O) function. Needed a lot of work, but the opinion was it was rarely used anyway. - Removed a redundant (and potentially erroneous) port number translation in the fossil_open() routine. Now relies upon check_comport() to see the global "commport" gets assigned once and only once. - (Rob) found an elusive bug that kept the BBS in the do_chains() routine, even if the user hung up! - Several changes required for greater OS/2 compatibility in the source, forwarded by Oderus. - Including menutell.cpp, a utility by Oderus to help locate the menu index quickly (outside the source) for any given menu call. - Additional changes to the //DOS routine (menusupp.c) to support DOORWAY, if DOORWAY.BAT exists in the BBS main directory, and changes to the DOORWAY command line if the program's called directly. - Added '$' during //BOARDEDIT to insert a new sub at the end (rather than having to scroll all the way to the bottom to find the last sub). - GFiles are now automatically listed when entering the GFILES section. - Modified the Conference Editor so '[' and ']' go back and forth through conferences to edit, like //BE and //DE. Prompt now shows available keys. - Modified //BE and //DE to display the current dir/sub on the top line (as a reference to where you are in the listing). - Modified various input fields in //BE and //DE to use Input1() routine, allowing full insert/modification on the existing contents. - Modified the System Information [I command] to show a bit more about the BBS, copyright and registered owner. - Modified the [N]ewscan prompt so it asks the user for all conferences, if the user has conferencing enabled. - Added the "@32767" support universally (at the mail read, message base forwarding, etc.) so it automatically appends @32767 for Internet addressees. - ConfEdit (//JE) now keeps you at the prompt until you [Q]uit, rather than dumping you back out when you exit editing in either the directory or sub conference editor. - Viewing NETDATx.LOG now keeps you inside the menu until you press [Q] to quit, again rather than dumping you back to the prompt after viewing just one log. - Added NO_PURGE_SL to WWIV.INI for AUTO_USER_PURGE routines to skip users of a specified SL and higher (in addition to the support already there for any users exempt from auto-purge). - Fixed pause toggle during bulk file move in Listplus. - Added a check during //BOARDEDIT to see if a selected filename is already in use on another sub. If so, the warning is displayed and sysop can select to use anyway. (This will prevent accidental gating!) - Fixed Default section to redisplay menu after any action Internal Beta 2: ================ - Added [C]ontinuous mode to pausescr() prompt, so now [Esc] or [Q] will abort the current process and [C] will display the current message/file in continuous mode. - Setting an Internet address in [D]efaults now writes the corresponding address to ACCT.INI, if the system participates in FILEnet and uses PPP transfers. No affect otherwise. - Fixed [F]eedback so it now only lists users #1 - #9 who are co-sysops. (It was a problem getting the slrec in the loop for each user for comparison.) - Refined Internet mail sending to be consistent in both readmail() and send_email(), appending the @32767 systemname for FILEnet/PPP systems. Again, no affect unless you're in FILEnet and using PPP transfers. - Tripled the timeout value (for user inactivity) on TELNET connections (where 'curspeed' is TELNET). Web users aren't used to having to do something in prescribed periods of time! :) - Changed the newuser (minimum info) routine to use inputl() calls for non-ANSI callers versus the Input1() editable lines. The other was wreaking havoc on them. - Added WARP 4 detection routines to WFC output. - Added case-insensitive string search routine stristr() to code. - Added 'F' command to //UEDIT to modify or delete a user's defined Internet address. Once added, again it's placed into ACCT.INI and used as the return address for outgoing Internet mail for FILEnet systems. - Added pattern matching when selecting menuset (//CM). For example, if just "R" is entered at the prompt, it will find all menusets beginning with 'R' and ask the user if that's what to use. - Removed restriction on having a menuset named "ANSI". This prevented a collision between previous menusdir configuration, but is unnecessary now that the global syscfg.menusdir is no longer used. - Added a default //APPLY command on self-generated menus, displayed only to users logged in under the GUEST account. The //APPLY command must still be defined correctly in each of the menus in order to work. - Added a Packers() wrapper to MENU.C to call a routine displaying message download options. This routine includes calls to ASCII download, WWIVMail/QWK download and NScan configuration from whatever menus you include the command. - Refined display problems in the RemoveFilesNotThere() routine that caused occasional characters to be lost on the display. - Fixed string comparison logic in //BOARDEDIT to display only subs containing a certain string. - Fixed backspace action on birth date input in newuser minimum routine and added additional error checking to ensure the input is eight characters (MM/DD/YY) and not garbage! - Added a Y2K-friendly check for testing the leap year in newuser birth date input... won't have to worry about that generation for a few more years, but.... - Added default value of '0' in auto-purge inactive user routine, so it doesn't trigger when no value is set in WWIV.INI. - Removed syscfg.ansidir and all associated references throughout code. - Added test archive, comment archive and delete files commands in arcrec structure - Increased "reminder" beep in [PAUSE] to two minutes and auto-continue to three minutes (versus 1 minute for reminder and 1.5 minutes to continue). - Eliminated possibility for black-on-black color scheme when first configuring ListPlus colors. - Changed Doorway for //DOS call to look first (and use) a batch file named DOORWAY.BAT that contains all required command arguments for Doorway. Also now bypasses Doorway entirely if at the local keyboard. - Hides 'Not Network Validated' message from newusersl. - Allows times run input to //CHAINEDIT rather than just zeroing. - Added capability to purge mail (in READMAIL) from networks. - Now exits immediately if no FOSSIL driver is loaded (rather than repeatedly retrying to initialize and fail). - MSGBASE.C modified routine to terminate header divider line at 80 characters so it only is used for (screenwidth < 80). This allows color codes and such in the divider line. - Added code to check real names at logon() when a match to a username or number fails (old Goose mod). - Modified valscan() routine to stay on one line, like QScan, and fixed the display so ypass sub and other prompts don't overwrite. - Fixed slrec() retrieval routine that was causing the external editor lockups! - G-Files routines overhaul, based on Dream mod... may still need work. Internal Beta 1: ================ - Removed spurious "Enable RIP Mode" in defaults. - Fixed endless loop when no chains were defined. - Fixed detection routine to find OS/2 v4.0 WARP properly. - Remove input1() routine as it misplaced lines in title input. - Truncated network name in print_pending to 8 characters for display. - Zu's updated menu code: - Now reads in allowed commands from MENU.TXT - MENUDM (built by makefile) compiles MENU.TXT into MENUCMDS.DAT. - Fixed a recursive bug in CLS() that locked up on B&W callers. - Fixed the incorrect QScan/UnQScan behavior. - Added color to the self-generated menus from GenerateMenu(). - Several changes to FOSSIL routines by Goose and me (commport now global). - Changes EXTRN/RETURN to poll I/O properly (including ^P^Q to quote in FSED). - Many DGROUP enhancements from Zu -- future ones will need more testing. - Reverted title input routines to inli() due to cursor placement problems. - beginday() now runs on any instance (unless there's something I'm missing!) - com_speed/baud_rate now cast as unsigned long to allow all locked rates. Alpha 4: ======== 57) Removed spurious "Enable RIP Mode" in defaults. 58) Fixed endless loop when no chains were defined. 59) Fixed detection routine to find OS/2 v4.0 WARP properly. 60) Remove input1() routine as it misplaced lines in title input. 61) Truncated network name in print_pending to 8 characters for display. 62) Updated menu code: - MENUDM (built by makefile) compiles MENU.TXT into MENUCMDS.DAT. 63) Fixed a recursive bug in CLS() that locked up on B&W callers. 64) Fixed the incorrect QScan/UnQScan behavior. 65) Added color to the self-generated menus from GenerateMenu(). 66) Several changes to FOSSIL routines by Goose and me (commport now global). 67) Changes EXTRN/RETURN to poll I/O properly (including ^P^Q to quote in FSED). 68) Many DGROUP enhancements from Zu -- future ones will need more testing. 69) Reverted title input routines to inli() due to cursor placement problems. 70) beginday() now runs on any instance (unless there's something I'm missing!) 71) com_speed/baud_rate now cast as unsigned long to allow all locked rates. Alpha 3: ======== 52) Added Asylum Menu System (AMENU) ! Need to incorporate the info into the docs 53) Changed over to ListPlus in the Transfer Section ! INIT must create the default configuration file ! Need to incorporate the info into the docs 54) Fixed ANSI Callout screen 55) Activated pipes everywhere 56) Added email attachments ! Need to incorporate the info into the docs Alpha 2: ======== 25) Added remove subs from Qscan on the fly from 'B' - User is given the option to remove or not 26) Added logoff time to Sysoplog 27) Added Automated New User Mail - If GFILES\NEWMAIL.MSG exists, it is sent to all new users 28) Added forced scan of first sub ! Still need to add INI setting for this 29) Added clear screen between messages option in Defaults ! Need to fix display alignment 30) Added Guest account - Sysop must create account with GUEST as name to activate 31) Added option to go to //BE from readmail() 32) Added internal upload and virus testing ! Need INI entry TEST_UPLOADS = Y test_upload = 1 ! Need to add BBSADS.TXT to Distibution Archive - must have ViruScan (r) from Network Associates 33) Added ability to reply to a post with a form (ala 'O') 34) Fixed two small display errors in Defaults 35) Enhanced new user information in sysoplog 36) Added suppression of passwords locally ! Need INI entry ECHO_LOCAL_PW = Y echo_pw = 1 37) U in sub now displays users who scan the sub ! Modify diplay to include Qscan column for indicator ! Return name display length to 30 38) Added //UNSCAN to main menu 39) Added no-abort disclaimer for new users ! Need INI entry FORCE_NEWUSER_MSG 40) Added system shutdown warning - Pressing Control-F1 will warn the user that the system will shut down in 3 minutes, and give him 1 minute warnings until the 3 minutes are up, and then it will hangup on the user. 41) Newuser editor defaults to WWIVedit if installed 42) Added logoff event ! May be obsolete if we get events.c working 43) Added ability to save a forwarded message 44) defaults to es at netval prompt 45) Added ability to CC: and BCC: in email and multimail - CC: are now able to be shown in multi-mail (user can select to NOT show the addresses (BCC:). Also, when sending email, you can choose to CC: other people (up to 20) and either show or not show the recipient list. Option can be turned off with ALLOW_CC_BCC INI setting. 45) Added Logoff Matrix - If GFILES\LOGOFF.MAT does not exist, then normal logoff option is presented. File should contain the following commands: 'Q' - Quit back to BBS 'T' - Go To Timebank 'F' - Leave Feedback To Sysop 'O' - Logoff 46) Added display of number of subscribers to hosted subs in //BE 47) Added BAK.C to codeset. Makes automated backups of source code prior to compiling or when called. (currently commented out of the makefile) 48) Prompt on same line (ala JAFO04.MOD) 49) Fixed redundant prompts in New User sequence 50) Added 'X'pert menu change in transfers ! Change menu 51) Multiple Events added ! Still not working correctly - added sorting of events based on time Alpha 1: ======== 1) Removed Tedit 2) Internal QWK removed 3) RIP removed 4) PackScan Support removed 5) Menu system re-written - All meunus are in seperate files now. They now go in gfiles as always 6) Added code to remove boxes and borders when reading FILE_ID.DIZ 7) Changed the main prompts to more readable formats with more info 8) Added ctime2 function for main prompt 9) Switched R and M at WFC. - Never made sense to me. M=My Mail R=Read all mail 10) Added enhance.c to base codeset 11) Enhanced sublist and dirlist - Morgul's adaptation of the TFC mod 12) Added FMD-16 Enhanced display of protocols 13) Added FMD-17 Scan for new email - Only shows new email here. 14) Enhanced Read Prompt 15) Added auto_purge to delete inactive users FIX - Added INI setting for AutoUserPurge function - Users with ADEL exemption ignored - Setting must be >= 60 for the function to work 16) Enhanced Automessage - Now allows 5 70 character lines and color. 17) Added edited version of SPV031IH Quote Mod 18) Added edited version of SPV033IB Re: Title with additional forced titles. 19) Added Deltigar's INI defined cleanup commands ! May need removal when Net37 is ready 20) Selected protocol now become user default 21) Enhanced PENDING Display with support for hiding with = in CALLOUT.NET 22) Added hangup timer to batch downloads 23) Added Email downloads from read mail prompt 24) Added reply to different address in readmail and message bases