Virtual Pascal v2.1

Important information
for Virtual Pascal v2.1 (beta) build 274

Thank you for taking an interest in Virtual Pascal. This document outlines the installation procedure, and provides last-minute information not included in the online manuals.


To install this version of Virtual Pascal 2.1

  1. Extract all archives you have downloaded to a temporary directory, not the one in which Virtual Pascal is to be installed. (Do not extract the inner archives called W*.RAR, O*.Rar, L*.Rar, and A*.Rar; the installation program will do this for you).

  2. Run the appropriate installation program, SetupW32.Exe for Windows, SetupOs2.Exe for OS/2 and setuplnx for Linux. This program is a text mode Turbo Vision application compiled from the same source code for all platforms - of course using Virtual Pascal to do so.

  3. The licence agreement is displayed. Read it and press Alt-I or select the Install option from the File menu to start the installation.

  4. The welcome page of the installation wizard is displayed.
    Press the Next button to proceed.

  5. On the next page, the pre-selection screen, choose from one of 4 default options. Select Full Install to install all parts of the product, Everything That's Free to install all of the free stuff or Everything that's Free for this platform to install everything for the current platform only. Choose the Custom Setup option to pick and choose.
    Note: If you choose Full Install or Custom Setup, you will need an original copy of Borland Pascal and/or Delphi in order to complete the installation.
    Press the Next button to continue.

  6. If you chose Custom Setup, the next dialog allows you to choose individual components to install. Review the settings, by using the Detail button to review the inclusion of sub-components.
    Press the Next button to continue.

  7. In Windows and OS/2, the next screen is used to select the drive to which Virtual Pascal 2.1 should be installed; if a drive does not have enough space to install the selected options, the drive space indicator will be red. If installing to such a drive, you can insist that there is enough space and continue anyway. The directory will be chosen on the next screen.
    Press the Next button to continue.

  8. Choose your preference regarding the case of directory names. You can choose UPPER case, lower case or Mixed Case. All directories created by the installation program will use the choice selected here.
    Press the Next button to continue.

  9. Enter the installation directory, excluding drive letter. This can be any directory (spaces not allowed), whether it exists or not. If it is a new directory, the installation program will ask if it should be created for you. In Linux, the installation directory should start with a /, such as /usr/local/vp21.
    Press the Next button to continue.

  10. If any of the components requiring original source code were included in the selection (Object Windows Library, Visual Class Library) you will be prompted to enter the path to the original sources.
    Press the Next button to continue.

    If any of the required source files are not found, an error message will be displayed and you will be prompted to enter a new path.

While you wait

The installation program will now unpack the selected archives and copy (and patch, where required) the selected source code.

When it has finished, please read the rest of this readme file. Or, since all of the platforms supported by VP are multitasking systems you can just read it while the installation program is running.

The OS/2 programs are installed to the bin.os2 directory, the Win32 programs to bin.w32 and the files used for the experimental Linux support to bin.lnx.

Full information about Virtual Pascal, the directory structure, etc. is included as .PDF manuals readable by the free Adobe Acrobat viewer v3.0 or later. These files can be found in the DOC directory.


This version of Virtual Pascal is dedicated to my dear and loving wife, Mamta. She supports me in everything I do - if it wasn't for her, VP would not have happened.

I also wish to thank everybody who has contributed to VP over the years. Many, many people have downloaded and used the software (around 100.000!) and several dedicated individuals have contributed significantly. Thanks!

Upgrade Patches

The upgrade patches for non-VP source code included with this software is version specific. This means that the update program requires an original, unmodified source file in order to be able to perform the update.

The following versions can be upgraded to compatibility with Virtual Pascal:

Known Issues

This release of Virtual Pascal v2.1 has several known issues. Please create an account and log in to the VP Bugs Database for the latest information. The database can be accessed at

What is new

This build adds new features and fixes several problems reported in the previous build 243. For a complete list of new features and fixes, please refer to the whatsnew.txt file.


I welcome your feedback! If you have suggestions for a new feature or want to report a bug, please create an account in the VP Bugs Database and file it there. The database can be accessed at


Virtual Pascal is Copyright © Virtual Pascal 2003 by and must not be distributed or copied except as allowed by the terms of the licence. Please refer to licence.txt for the full licence.


Comprehensive manuals covering the use of Virtual Pascal v2.1 and a complete language reference are included as Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files in the DOC directory.

The User's guide, vp21user.pdf, introduces the installation program, features of VP v2, IDE usage, debugger, and cross-platform support.

The Language Reference, vp21lang.pdf, provides in- depth documentation of the Pascal language as implemented by Virtual Pascal.

Both documents can be viewed using the widely available free Adobe Acrobat Reader v3.0 or later, and can be printed to provide a hard copy manual. Download Acrobat Reader from Adobe's web site.

The manuals are secured from changing, although users of Adobe Exchange can add notes to the documents.

The User Manual is also included in plain text format, as vp21user.txt for easier viewing and searching on less powerful machines.

Contact Address

Feedback should be directed to one of the following addresses:

Support issues

Bug reports

Other issues



Company names, brand names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Copyright © 1999-2003 Allan Mertner

Virtual Pascal v2.1 Read Me
Updated 23 November 2003