To: "Darryl Dunnaway" From: Scott Adams Subject: Re: Telegard and Telnet, a HOWTO/FAQ Cc: At 10:11 PM 8/5/03 -0500, you wrote: Okay, I broke down a little while ago and wrote a step by step guide for installing Telegard via telnet. I'll copy it below. If you would be so kind as to test it for me and suggest any changes I'd appreciate it. BTW, I posted this to the TG Support Echo on Fido also. Thanks! Darryl Dunnaway ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telegard BBS and Telnet, a HOWTO (or FAQ) The purpose of this document is to explain how to allow allow telnet access to your Telegard BBS using GameSrv and NetFoss. You could also use this as a basis for setting up any 16 bit DOS BBS program for telnet. This document assumes you are using Windows 2000/XP/2003. If you are using Windows 98 or ME, download and install SyncFos from or, and use it where ever you see NetFoss used. Step One: Download needed files. Download the following programs: from =,, from = NetFoss fossil driver from = GameSrv Telnet Server from any bbs or google = (Pascal runtime 200 patch) Step Two: Install Telegard and apply service packs. unzip tg_309g2 to d:\bbs run install.exe, select yes to extract, password is READYTOGO. copy telegard.exe to run tppatch telegard.exe run telegard.exe and answer the questions to finish installing the bbs. delete telegard.exe rename telegard.exe install tg309sp3 per the instructions included in the zip file. install tg309sp4 per the instructions included in the zip file. note: the last instruction in sp4 tells you to copy the *.txt files to the \bbs\text directory. Copy *.msg *.scr also. Step Three: Telegard Setup. run Telegard -L hit ESC (Escape) for the Sysop Menu select 'S' for System Configuration select 'A' for Modem Profile(s) select '0' for Default Profile select 'B' for Communiction port and set to COM1 select 'C' for Port information and set to IRQ 4, I/O address 03F8 select 'Q' for Quit and then press 'ENTER' to quit to System Config menu. select '*' for System Manager select 'U' for User Manager and change the all the Sysop info to reflect yourself. select 'Q' for Quit when done editing and Quit again to the WFC (Waiting for Caller) screen. You can also at this time press the space bar to logon and check out Telegard. Get familiar with the command the layout and you also see which files you'll need to change. When you are done, you can press 'Q' to exit the WFC screen. Create the following file with your favorite text editor. ------------------- BBS.BAT ---------------------------- @echo off D: cd \bbs telegard -B115200 -Q -N%1 ---------------------End-------------------------------- Step Four: GameSrv Setup. unzip GameSrv to a directory of your choosing (I suggest \gamesrv). create a shortcut on your desktop for GameSrv. Start GameSrv by clicking on it's Icon. Select the 'Config' tab. Change the Port to 23. Change the Nodes to the number of nodes you wish to run. Change Mode to External Change Visibility to Minimized Change LBY to 50 (or leave it as is) Change the Command line to: D:\NETFOSS\NF.BAT /N*N /H*H D:\BBS\BBS.BAT *N Change FOSSIL to None. Click on Status and then Start. Step Five: Install NetFoss unzip NetFoss to a directory of your choosing (I suggest \netfoss) cd to the Netfoss directory (cd \netfoss) edit the NF.BAT file with your favorite text editor to reflect your drive and directory. ----- Contents of NF.BAT ------------------------- @echo off d:\netfoss\ %1 if errorlevel 1 goto end d:\netfoss\netcom.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 d:\netfoss\ /u :end --------------End--------------------------------- If you are using Windows 98/ME, follow the instructions for setting up SyncFos in the install documentation. Step Six: Test it. Fire up your favorite telnet client (mTelnet is a good one) and telnet to localhost:23. You should now have a no problem connecting to your Telegard BBS via telnet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you encounter any problems with this FAQ/HOWTO/Bad Instructions, please let me know. I've done most of this FAQ from memory, so if it doesn't work, I blame my faulty senile brain. If you are using PCBoard, WWIV, or some other 16 bit DOS software, the same setup should work. The only known problem is that NetFoss does not yet allow binary transfers, so that means no Zmodem file transfers. If you'd like to have a file section I'd suggest setting up Irex as a FTP server, since you'll need it as a Mail Server with this particular setup if you want Fidonet mail. Another method of setting up Telegard via telnet is to use Argus to answer incoming calls, and have the user press escape to access the BBS. If you need help, I'd suggest the Argus echo on Fidonet...although I may come up with a FAQ for that in the future. Warranty Disclaimer: There is no warranty. Your PC. Your Time. Your Hobby. Your Fault. Have Fun! Darryl Dunnaway dunnaway(at)cox(dot)net ***Edited 8/24/03 for Blocking. Due to when extracted to file it didn't put tabs in. Edited by Longshot aka Scott Adams. Content has NOT been edited.