*********************************** * * * Using FMail with Telegard 3.02 * * * * Provided by John Rumery * * to Carol Shenkenberger * * * *********************************** Using FMail with Telegard is fairly simple. There's really only three commands that need to be used, FMail Toss, FMail Scan /J, and FTools Maint. I'll briefly cover how to use these commands. At the end of this file I will show a sample of the commands as they would look in a batch file. USING FMail FOR ECHOMAIL. To use FMail for tossing your echomail, use the command line FMail Toss. You can use the optional /A switch to not process area manager requests. If you have a 386 or better system, you can use the command line FMail3 Toss. This is the DPMI version of FMail. To scan for new messages after a user logs off, use the command line FMail Scan /J. The /J switch bypasses Hudson Message Bases. It forces FMail to only look for JAM message bases. FMail will use echomail.jam to speed building out-bound mail packets. Personally, I scan every time a user logs off, but you can easily check for echomail.tgj, and only run FMail Scan /J if it exists. If you are only scanning when echomail.tgj exists, be sure to delete it each time or you'll end up scanning every time. FTools Maint takes care of all of the message base main- tenance. FTools Maint uses its own internal settings for main- taining the message bases. The "size and days to keep" settings in Telegard's Message Area Manager don't matter with JAM bases. In FSetup, FMail's setup routine, set both the maximum number of days to keep messages, and how many messages you want to keep in each message area. This is found in the AreaManager. Also, set the Miscellaneous->Auto renumber to 0. This forces all of FMail and FTools' routines to renumber the message base whenever tossing mail or performing maintenance. Once you have the limits set-up for each message area in FSetup, use the command line FTools Maint /J /D /N /P /X to perform message base maintenance. Here's what each of the switches do: /J Process JAM areas only. /D Mark as deleted messages using the maximum number of messages or maximum age of the messages as input in FSetup's Area Manager. /N Renumber the message bases /P Pack the message areas, permanently deleting all of the messages that were marked as deleted. /X Delete any messages with bad date fields or kludge fields. /B (Optional switch to keep the back-up file [*.bak]) /R (Optional switch to remove "Re:" from subject lines) USING FMail FOR NETMAIL Using FMail to handle your netmail is a little bit more com- plicated. It requires an external program to import and export netmail from your message bases. I use NetMgr by Artware to move my netmail and internet e-mail to/from my message bases. When setting up your netmail/internet e-mail areas in Telegard, mark them as either netmail or internet e-mail in the Message Area Manager. In FSetup, create a fake echotag, such as MAIN_NETMAIL_AREA. Mark the area as a LOCAL message area, and as unavailable for other systems. This allows FTools to perform maintenance functions on your netmail areas. You can call your preferred netmail manager every time a user logs off, during daily message base maintenance, or only when a user leaves netmail. Again, I prefer to process netmail every time a user logs off. However, you can check for netmail.tgj and only run your netmail manager when a user posts netmail. Please note that the procedures listed here for netmail also work for any local message areas you may have. They won't be identified in your netmail manager's configuration file, but would be marked as a local message area in Telegard's Message Area Manager. They would still have to be setup in FSetup's Area Manager for FTools Maint to manage them. SAMPLE BATCH FILE SETUP REM Running FMail TOSS, Substitute FMail3 for the DPMI version :Toss c: CD \fmail Fmail Toss CD \netmgr NetMgr cd \fd Goto Loop REM Loop is the label that starts your batch file and opens your REM Front end (i.e. FrontDoor), or puts you back in the Waiting REM For Caller Screen if you aren't running Telegard as part of REM a FidoNet type network. REM Running FMail SCAN every time a user logs off. Put GOTO SCAN REM in your batch file after the command line to start Telegard. :Scan c: cd \fmail fmail scan /J cd \netmgr netmgr cd \fd Goto Loop REM If running FTOOLS Maint as an external event in Telegard or REM FrontDoor, put 'if errorlevel=255 Goto Maint' in the end of REM the Loop portion of your batch file. The errorlevel 255 is REM an example. You can use another number if desired in REM Telegard or FrontDoor. :Maint c: cd \fmail FTOOLS Maint /J /D /N /P /X cd \fd Goto Loop REM To run FMail Scan and your netmail manager only when a user REM has posted echomail, netmail, or both. :Scan c: cd \fmail if Not Exist c:\TG\SEMAPHOR\echomail.tgj Goto netmail del c:\TG\SEMAPHOR\echomail.tgj fmail scan /J goto netmail :netmail c: cd \netmgr if Not Exist c:\TG\SEMAPHOR\netmail.tgj Goto Loop del c:\TG\SEMAPHOR\netmail.tgj netmgr cd \fd Goto Loop REM The paths listed will need to be modified to fit your REM particular configuration. I used a default path to the REM *.tgj semaphor files, however you can change this in Telegard REM under System Setup->Paths Option H. Semaphor Storage. ******End of Sample Batch File ****** Should you have any other questions for using FMail with Telegard 3.02, I can be reached in the TG_SUPPORT echo. It's one of my favorite echos. Alternatively, you can send me FidoNet mail at 2:2501/204 or Internet e-mail at jrumery@rrtavern.coracle.com.