FD2.25 and FD2.12 Date:15AUG98 Hello all! In reference to several queries on how to setup TG 3.09G2, I have put together a simple help file. It contains examples of some ways to do things for a simple, single node system mostly. In order to make it easier to follow, I have used 'generic conventional' names and paths through out the FAQ. You do NOT need to use the same ones, and for added security you SHOULD change them. You will find a general reference to the names used, at the end. The softwares used are primarily FrontDoor version 2.25 or FD2.12, DOS version 5.0, and Telegard (current version 3.02 at this moment). If you have a 14.4 modem and desire to run FD 2.02, you will need to edit the 'FRODO.BAT' file to remove the baud rates the earlier version did not support, and add the baud rate 600 if desired. If you have a 28.8 or better modem, you will need to upgrade to FD2.12 or higher to support it properly. While FD is the primary one dealt with here it probably isn't that radically different in concept for other front end softwares. FD2.25 has only one method of passing the errorlevel. This FAQ shows the DOBBS/EXEBBS method required for FD2.25/SW users and usable by earlier FD versions. The second FAQ shows the 'one bat file, errorlevel method' which may be used with FD2.12/SW or below. The essential difference for those using FD2.12/SW and below is in having one long bat file, or several short ones. There is also some added capability in the DOBBS/EXEBBS method as it allows you to pass the time of the next FD event, and /ARQ connection information. Suit yourself to what you like best if using FD2.12/SW and below. 1. Go into FD config, and make sure you have assigned a number to each baud rate connecting to your system. In this example, we used errorlevel 200 for all connection speeds and turned on the 'create bat file option' in FD. 2. Add the following to your 'frodo.bat' file or just replace your old one with this example then add in what you need for your setup. ---- begin FRODO.BAT----- @Echo off c: cd \fd :Start Cd\fd fd If ERRORLEVEL 253 Goto Mail_Out If ERRORLEVEL 252 Goto Make_Node If ERRORLEVEL 209 Goto Mail_Test ;Function Key activated If ERRORLEVEL 201 Goto FB100 If ERRORLEVEL 200 Goto Connect Goto end :Mail_Out ;Gecho 1.11+ specific, adapt as needed! c: cd c:\fd AT H1 1 DEL c:\tg\tgmscan.now GEcho toss -NOMGR GEcho scan GEcho MGR MBUTIL pack -renumber -link -purge Goto Start :Make_Node If Exist c:\fd\file\nodediff.* Goto Node_Here Goto Start :Node_Here Copy c:\fd\file\nodediff.* c:\fd\nodelist cd c:\fd\nodelist editnl cd c:\fd fdnc /f Goto Start :FB100 ;external event in FD to do 'stuff' as needed CD \tg\FFS ;for online games and other items needed nightly FISHMANT CD \FD mbutil pack -renumber -link -purge cd \tg INDEX BUILD ALL INDEX SORT ALL cd \tg\goc maint cd \fd call tickout.bat ; processes inbound filebone Goto Start :Connect ;here begins the connection sequence call dobbs0.bat ;note FD2.25 makes dobbs0.bat ;FD2.12 and below makes DOBBS.BAT :Mail_Test IF EXIST C:\TG\ECHOMAIL.TG? GOTO Mail_Out Goto Start :End -----end FRODO.BAT------- DOBBS0.BAT is created by FD each BBS call, and it then activates EXEBBS.BAT which you design. (Reminder, in FD2.12 it is DOBBS.bat). EXEBBS.BAT (This file is activated by DOBBS0.BAT or DOBBS.BAT): ----begin EXEBBS.BAT-------------- C: CD \TG TELEGARD -B%1 -X%3 -N%4 -C%5 -Q If Not Exist c:\tg\ECHOMAIL.TG? GoTo End Del c:\tg\ECHOMAIL.TG? cd \fd Gecho Toss Gecho Scan :END Frodo ; your FD batch file This is a very basic batch file to startup TG with the DOBBS process. Make note that if you use another filename for your 'FD.BAT' other than 'FRODO.BAT' you will need to change it here too! If you dont, your BBS will land in 'zululand' because it wont know what to do after a caller exits! (Note: %1=baud, %2=port, %3=time till next event, %4=node if multinode, %5=other modem connect info such as if it is an ARQ connection) Informational assistance provided by Kevin Watkins. Note, this version shows also how to scan for mail left by a caller and packing if they left any outbound mail by checking for the existance of a ECHOMAIL.TG? file. This is optional and the mail_test routine shows for local sysop mail. The echomail.tg? means in place of the ? to use J for Jam or S for Squish. For informational purposes, here is a rundown of some of the lines you may not be familiar with: AT H1 1 - This is a common software which is called AT.COM and manipulates your modem. In this case, it is taking a modem on Com1, offline. Depending on your modem brand, you may not need an extra utility to do this. Both FD and TG have the capability of taking the modem offline for you. It is there only for assistance of those sysops who's modems wont stay offline with FD's codes. EDITNL - This is one of the many nodediff merging softwares on the market. Depending on your version, the addition of the /KILL switch, will also delete the old nodediffs. It was included only as an example, and you should use whatever you find at a local dial. Mergenl is widely available and does the same thing. MBUTIL - Gecho specific packer for message bases. See the 3rd FAQ for other examples of tossing/packing sequences you may use for your needs. End FAQ 1. xxcarol TG Beta Norfolk