Telegard Average User Profile v2.00 =================================== Added - The ability to use a custom template. This took awhile to figure out, and since I had to make massive changes to the code, I'm expecting a bug or nine to pop up. :) Telegard Average User Profile v1.10 - Not Released to the Public =================================== Fixed - Well, I made a bad assumption. TGAUP assumes that there will be at least one female user. For systems without any female users, if they ran TGAUP they received run-time error 200 (divison by zero). Since averages are obtained by division, and if the BBS has no female users, 0 is what's obviously being divided by. Pascal doesn't like that. :) This has been fixed. Thanks to Chris McCoy for pointing it out to me. Telegard Average User Profile v1.03 =================================== Fixed - Sometimes people make stupid mistakes. :) I'm far from an exception. The # of K Uploaded line was written twice to the Overall Averages portion of the output file. I didn't notice this, and apparently, neither did anyone else. :) The output has been corrected. Fixed - The number being reported for Overall Averages.# of K Uploaded was reporting incorrectly. Why? Because I wasn't paying attention. The Females # of K was being added to the Males number of Email sent, and then dividing by the total number of users. Obviously, this is way off. Fixed - In certain circumstances, TGAUP would report negative numbers for the # of K Uploaded/Downloaded fields. This has been fixed. Telegard Average User Profile v1.00 =================================== First Public Release - No changes or additions