These are articles I typed up last year ('98) for David Stumpf's Telegard Newsletter. But due to other things David can not continue the newsletter. At this time (12/99) there is another person who might take it over. I wanted to hatch this out to get it out there to help folks. I did not spell check or format the texts as I did them quickly last year (x-mas holidays). David was going to do both of those things but guess he never did. Some of the articles were to be added to by David and others but again I guess that fell on the side. Newsletter Articles 1) Everything you ever wanted to know about ACS but was afraid to ask (Grouping, security, etc.) 2) New User New user validation system and user's access. System Security, policy on new user access 3) File Point/Ratio System explanation should it be used? pro/con 4) The Script language - old and new 5) Common Problems - protocol being too low 6) New bbs checklist - what does a new sysop need? 7) Must have utilities for TG 8( A coder's help guide - new at coding TG utils? 9) TG and Desqview 10) Customization Techniques and hints Files and relationships ACS DOC 21,785 12-15-98 5:00p acs.doc TGNEW DOC 14,918 12-15-98 6:37p tgnew.doc RATIO DOC 8,205 12-16-98 12:02a ratio.doc SCRIPT DOC 23,626 12-18-98 1:11a script.doc PROBLEM DOC 7,522 12-17-98 1:49a problem.doc README TXT 3,047 12-20-98 12:50p readme.txt NEWBBS DOC 9,956 12-17-98 2:29a newbbs.doc TGUTIL DOC 5,753 12-17-98 5:04p tgutil.doc \TGLIST ZIP 42,111 12-17-98 5:13p TGLIST.ZIP TGDV DOC 8,865 12-17-98 7:08p tgdv.doc \DVTECH ZIP 61,164 12-17-98 5:37p DVTECH.ZIP CUSTOM DOC 11,719 12-17-98 8:06p custom.doc \CUSTOM ZIP 36,425 12-17-98 8:18p CUSTOM.ZIP TEST OUT 748 11-06-97 3:09a TEST.OUT TGPROG DOC 8,612 12-20-98 3:10a tgprog.doc \SAMPLE ZIP 83,131 12-20-98 3:08a SAMPLE.ZIP \TGDEV309 ZIP 75,911 11-06-97 3:11p TGDEV309.ZIP For example go with the tgprog.doc article. For contact email: or website: official TG support echo: FidoNet Tg_support