***** OFFICIAL TELEGARD WORLDWIDE BBS LIST ***** * This is the only authorized BBS list that may be posted in TG_SUPPORT Other BBS lists are NOT authorized in the TG_SUPPORT echo. * This is not for addition to the official HELP/SUPPORT list. * All submissions are made via Netmail or Email to one of the following addresses: Internet Email: David.Stumpf@Earthling.net Fidonet: 1:106/830 Advnet: 33:254/830 * BBS's will not be added to this list if they do not request addition. I will not make assumption to addition, under any circumstances. Please use the following format; BBS Name [______________________________] Location [________________________________________] SysOp Name [______________________________] Telegard Version [____________] Nodes [___] {Total Local and Dial Up/Telnet} Phone [____________________] Modem Speed [ ] Telnet Address [__________________________________________________] Telnet Server [________________________________________] Web Page Address [__________________________________________________] CPU Type/Speed [____________________] System Memory [___] {Amount of RAM} Operating System [____________________] Fossil Driver [____________________] Mailer Software [____________________] Tosser Software [____________________] Description [______________________________] Additional Information: Descriptions, EchoMail Addresses, etc. . . ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- This list is approved, but not maintained by: Kevin Watkins: Telegard Alpha #2 Scott Adams: Telegard Beta Site TG_SUPPORT Moderators