WARNING: Use at your own risk.... **************************************************************************** This is a beta version of an eventual freeware program. I Michael O'Connor, DSO Enterprises, any of it's parent/subsidiary companies, or employees can NOT be held LIABLE for any damages. Running, using or even thinking about this program is at your own risk. I will not even guarantee that it will take up space on your hard disk. *************************************************************************** Welcome to my grandest adventure in FIDOnet(tm) programming.If you are reading this you have been selected,volunteered or were coerced in to beta testing this puppy. I've done most of the testing I can. I can't seem to break it. I do have every confidence that you somehow you will. Do be kind enough to give me some idea what you were doing; what combination of things set it off etc. Command line options: /Test - Tests & accepts new inbound segments. (deflault) /All - Tests All & accepts new inbound segments. /Process - Processes all segment files and submits changes, if needed. /Display - Displays what is read from the *.ctl file. (debug) /Force - During a production run, Forces submission to submit address /Compile - Refresh Database with FLAGS.CTL. /Stats - Saves stats to TESTERR.TXT. /Merge= - Creates a merged nodelist [Nodelist + Segment] /Mame= - Network Name.\n"); Examples NLMAKE REG12.CTL /P /F Will process segments and force a submit changes or not. (using REG12.CTL) NLMAKE REG12.CTL /T /A Will test all received segments. NLMAKE REG12.CTL /T /A /S Will test all received segments, and save output to TESTERR.TXT NLMAKE ? /H Will display comand line options. NLMAKE REG12.CTL /T Will receive and test inbound segments only. those in UPDATE (and or) UPLOADS Key Changes from MakeNl. Executable : NLMAKE.EXE Shipped as : NLMAKE.DOS (16bit Dos) NLMAKE.D32 (32bit Dos Dos4Gw.exe) (not currently available) NLMAKE.WIN (32bit Win95/98 what ever!) NLMAKE.OS2 (32bit OS/2) Default CTL File now named NLMAKE.CTL (if your's was MAKENL.CTL guess what?!) New Tokens or Verbs Token/Verb Description LOGLEVEL Controls the level of logging (debug=9 default=2 lowest=0) The Number after the date/time in the log file is the level of that message. COMPRESS Set default compressor (in accordance with new FTS) *.A?? = ARC *.J?? = ARJ *.Z?? = ZIP *.R?? = RAR Example: COMPRESS ARC FLAGS Turns on Flag Checking AUTO-FLAG Turns on Flag Checking and Auto Corrects outfile WARNINGS Issue Warnings only on all non critical errors Line is not deleted (commented out with ;E) unless the error is in either Field1 or Field2. Examples : Duplicate NodeNumber is a critical error. Typing Dow instead of Down... --- NOTE: Token -> NOTIFY (if notify is not set no email will be generated!) NOTIFY errors crash ; Will crash errors back to the submitter NOTIFY recept crash ; Will crash recept/warnings back to the submitter --- Modified token/verbs ARC remains for compatability, actually controlled from COMPRESS.CTL and does nothing. FILES Net 163 SMOOTH 163/0 Will address the email generated to SysOp Guy instead of Coordinator. New Files COMPRESS.CTL File Compressor config file. (See contents of file) FLAGS.CTL Valid Flags Control File. (See contents of file) NLMAKE.LOG A real time-stamped log file. QUICK.LST Used for Fast Flag checking. Ignore anything with a *.TMP exten. COMPRESS Config File Archiver ARC ; Archiver Name Add arc2 a %a %f ; Extract arc2 e %a %f Extension A?? ; Extension to IDENTIFY this type of Archive Ident 0,1a ; Currently not used (yet!) FILENAME ; Some Archivers wont uncompress files to a path End ; with out appending a *.* Use only if decompress ; does not work. All Archivers begin with ARCHIVER and end with END. (self evident eh?) WARNING: If you put in the parametres to PKZIP -MEX -RP M.ZIP \*.* it will upon first execution zip up everything on that drive and erase it. FLAGS Token/Verb Description FLAGS Regular flags UFLAGS UserFlags (must not begin with U the system will take care of it) RFLAGS Redundant flags Redundant listing must not appear as a regular flags example: V42b is redundant with V42 and not the other way around. (V42b implies V42 but V42 does not imply V42b) So (confused good!) V42 is a regular flag V42b is a redundant flag. RFLAGS V42b, RFLAGS V32b, as long as V32b and V42b are not listed as FLAGS will cause a redundancy warning/error OFLAGS Suggest New flags to replace old or outdated ones. (old) (new) OFLAGS ISDNA, will send a Flag has changed message. (this section is still a work in progress) This was really a brief description. I hope that someone will volunteer to do the docs; if indeed it does get used. I still consider this a work in progress. I will be spending some time on optimization, the flags checker and stats output. Here's your chance to get the features you wanted in on the ground floor. If your suggestion is feasible I will do my best to implement it. Mike