NLMAKE V1.00wb(DOS) DSO Enterprises (c) 1999 Nodelist production/testing utility -Standard Functions: nlmake [nlmake.ctl] /P /F /T /M=[Nodelist] /N=[NetWork] /Process - Processes all segment files and submits changes, if needed. /Force - During a production run, Forces submission to submit address /Test - Tests & accepts new inbound segments. (default) /Merge= - Creates a merged nodelist. [Nodelist + Segment] /Name= - Network Name. -Statistic Files and Netmail: nlmake [nlmake.ctl] /ALL /ERR /STA /LAS /ALL - Tests All & accepts new inbound segments. /ERRors - NetMail Notify all (current errors). /STAts - Saves stats to [nlmake].ERR. /LASt - Last segment receive dates output to LASTIN.TXT. /LATe - NetMail Notify all who's segments are older than MAXAGE. -Debugging and Flags: nlmake [nlmake.ctl] /D /COM /Display - Displays what is read from the *.ctl file. (debug) /COMpile - Refresh Database with FLAGS.CTL. Notes: NLMAKE.ERR follows whatever the *.CTL file is called. If your NLMAKE.CTL file is called REG12.CTL the error file will be called REG12.ERR.