$Id: whatsnew.txt,v 1.13 2004/10/09 05:47:15 fido Exp $ Important Changes since MakeNL 2.5x: ==================================== FILENAMES: ---------- If you use a case sensitive OS (Unix, Linux etc), then change all output filenames to lowercase. MakeNL writes the filenames to disk in lowercase on these OS's. On other OS's this doesn't matter. NETADDRESS: ----------- To allow better zone aware netmails, the netaddress must now include the zone number, 28/0 should now become 2:28/0 ARC: ---- The ARC keyword no longer works as documented in the old MakeNL documentation and is obsolete. MakeNL 2.5x only had support for Arc compression, but 3.1.8 now supports multiple compression utilities, through configurable archiver entries following the ARCOpen and ARCMove keywords. These new keywords need between three and five parameters. To provide compatibility with MakeNL 2.5x, the ARC keyword must be commented out of the MAKENL.CTL file, which will cause MakeNL to default to Arc compression as before. Currently, ARCCopy and ARCMove work for this feature. The difference is that ARCCopy creates an archive but leaves the original file, ARCMove creates and archive and removes the original file. Since version 3.2.1 MakeNL can now send hub and host networks segments compressed to. Add the following lines to makenl.ctl to use it: threshold 0 -1 arccopy z zip -jo ; Infozip arcmove z zip -jmo If you use the arccopy keyword you must also use the arcmove keyword so that both the nodelist and nodediff will use the same archiver such as zip. If you onmit one of these, MakeNL refuses to start. If you don't use both keywords, the default arc archiver will be used. The new syntax of the ARCXxxxx keywords are as follows: ARCXxxx [x] [archiver exe name] [archiver command] [command switches] The [x] tells MakeNL what the first character of the final archive of the stub will be. For zip, you would list z, resulting in *.znn output files. Here are some examples of commonly used archivers, and the commands that work with them: PKZip: ARCCopy z pkzip -ex (or: ARC z pkzip -a) InfoZip: ARCCopy z zip -jo Rar: ARCCopy r rar -a -ep Arj: ARCCopy j arj -a -e Lha: ARCCopy l lha -a -m1 To allow received segment files in different formats maximum 10 ARCOpen commands may be defined in the MAKENL.CTL file. If in MAKENL.CTL in the FILES section a file is defined as hub.50 then in the mailfiles and uploads directories a zipped segment with the name hub.z0 or hub.zip will be unpacked and the unpacked file will be processed. The syntax form the ARCOpen command is the same as for ARCCopy, but 10 lines are allowed and 10 different archive formats are recognized. The following archives are recognized: Pkzip or Infozip, Arc, Lha, Zoo, Arj, Rar, Ha, Bzip2, Gzip and Unix compress. The following are examples of entries in MAKENL.CTL: Arc: ARCOpen a arc ew Infozip: ARCOpen z unzip -oj Lha: ARCOpen l lha ef Rar: ARCOpen r rar e -o+ -y Gzip: ARCOpen g tar xfz Bzip2: ARCOpen b tar xfj Compress: ARCOpen c tar xfz Arj: ARCOpen j arj -y e Zoo: ARCOpen o zoo eq:0 Ha: ARCOpen h ha ey ALLOwunpub: ----------- ALLOwunpub is a new keyword that will cause MakeNL to allow the -Unpublished- string to be present in the sixth (phone number) field of node listings, without requiring the Pvt keyword to be present in the listing. This keyword is disabled by default. To enable it, add ALLOwunpub 1 to your MAKENL.CTL file. ALPHAphone: ----------- ALPHAphone is a new keyword that will cause MakeNL to allow alpha characters to be present in the sixth (phone number) field of node listings. This keyword is disabled by default. To enable it, add ALPHAphone 1 to your MAKENL.CTL file. LOGFile: -------- The full path and filename to the logfile to use. It is best to place this keyword as first keyword in the .ctl file, logging starts as soon as this keyword is seen. If not defined then nothing is logged. This is the old behaviour. LOGLevel: --------- The level of logging, must be between 1 and 4. Level 1 is the default. The meaning of all levels is: 1 - Normal and error messages 2 - Verbose messages 3 - Debug messages 4 - Severe debug messages