Changes made to MakeNL V2.51 - 14-Jun-1992 Source provided by Bjorn Felten ------------------------------------------ All filenames were converted to lower case. makenl.h Added MAXLINELENGTH constant. Set to 512 address.c appdiff.c comment.c config.c instlst.c makenl.c merge.c mkdiff.c output.c process.c variable.c All hard-coded line lengths of 160 were changed to use the MAXLINELENGTH constant. config.c Hard-coded 159 character line length was changed to MAXLINELENGTH-1 fts5_2.c Added code to pass through any -Unpublished- phone number without further checking. Capitalisation of -Unpublished- is standardized. lib.c Changed function definition of CRC16DoByte (line 79) to use shorts instead of ints as ints are 32-bit in DJGPP GCC. Removed execute_core() and execute() functions. Replaced by execute() function in execute.c Changed return code checking of findnext() call (line 403) to check for a non- zero result, instead of -1 makenl.c Bumped version number to 2.6. Added warning banner. srchmax.c Removed spurious semicolon from end of line 18 execute.c New function used to launch the ARC compressor. Replaces the assembly language routines in the original version with the C library spawn() function. makenl.mak Rewritten for use with DJGPP GCC