FastEcho to Telegard v1.01 ========================== Fixed - FE2TG was importing the full 52 characters of the FastEcho description. Since FastEcho stores all unused characters as NUL characters, FE2TG was importing the entire description, NUL's and all, up to the 40th character. FE2TG will now stop adding characters to the description when it runs across a NUL. Thanks to Doug Sorber for pointing this one out, I should have caught it the first time through. :) Added - A reminder at the end of the importing process to run INDEX BUILD ALL. While it should be common sense, I was planning to add it just in case. I forgot about it the first time through, but remembered it in time for this one. ;) FastEcho to Telegard v1.00 ========================== First Public Release - No changes or additions