From the Ezycom DEV Team. Ezycom v2.00 was released on the 25th of August, 2002 to a "Test" site and a couple of small bugs turned up. They are only minor and easily remedied by the sysop. One is that after upgrading from v1.48g0, the COMPRESSION and UNCOMPRESSION archive options may be either missing or mangled. They are easily reset by following the information at the bottom of the screen for each compression utility. Another problem might occur when entering EZYCFG > MAIL AREAS > MESSAGE AREAS, you may get an "MESSAGES.EZY CORRUPTED" error which is easily fixed by recording the following information BEFORE commencing the upgrade. Go into CONFIG > MESSAGE > MISC and record the number of USABLE AREAS you have set. Then, if you get the MESSAGES.EZY error, just scroll down to MISCELLANEOUS and re-enter yor previous setting. Repeat these steps for your file areas if you get a similar error message for FILES.EZY after upgrading. These problems apparently do not affect a new install, only an upgrade. No other problems have been reported at this time. PLEASE NOTE: Ezycom V2.00 files dated on or after 22nd February 2003, should not have any of the above problems. PLEASE contact your nearest support site ASAP, if you encounter any of the above problems and cannot fix them.