TAGname HIJACKME TITLe Designed as a Test of The Echolist Robot MODerator Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, hon@baltimoremd.com Moderator Other Robot, 1:1/21, robot@baltimoremd.com Moderator Tweedle Dee, 1:261/1550, tweedle@baltimoremd.com DESC Specifically designed for those that feel a need to hijack DESC an echo...HIJACKME gives YOU an opportunity to attempt to DESC aquire an echotag the sneaky way. Simply send in a MODerator DESC UPDate message if you think you know the password. If you DESC guess right, you own the echo...if you guess wrong, you DESC get an error message. To make life more interesting, DESC the password will change on a random time basis...after DESC all, someone has to win now and again. VOLume 5/month RESTrictions /REAL ORIGin unknown DISTribution you pick it up GROUP FIDO1 PASSword iwillnottell