*** DPNODE 1.5 *** Upgrading from V 1.4 ==================== Replace DPNODE.EXE / DPNODE32.EXE, DPNOD.DLL / DPNOD32.DLL and DPNOD2.PA with the new versions. New with V 1.5 ============== no longer displays "Running Event"s Upgrading from V 1.3 or earlier =============================== Replace DPNODE.EXE / DPNODE32.EXE, DPNOD.DLL / DPNOD32.DLL and DPNOD2.PA with the new versions. ! move your DPNODE.INI from the \powrbbs directory to the \windows directory ! On networked BBS's have a copy of \windows\dpnode.ini on each machine! Execute DPNODE(32).EXE and click the "Configuration" button. With the registered version you can now configure not only a logon chat room message but also a logoff message. Both can play a "/S" sound to PA callers. You can also edit the Instant Message for the "Invite to Private Chat" button. Either one of them can be disabled by typing "none" in the configuration field. You may want to add some users to your Notification List, so DPNode notifies you whenever one of them logs in. New with V 1.4 ============== completely rewritten completely new GUI interface for the sysop and for PA callers added GUI configuration dialog added sysop node status display added logoff notification chat room message made logon and logoff chat room messages optional added Notification List for sysop and added Friends List for PA callers added invitation to private chat (Instant Messaging) for PA2 callers