Maintenance release for Dnd Door v4.6a r1.0: Version 4.6 contains the following patches: New attribute for permanent containers, Fixes bad record length for Nonplyrs.dat file. Instructions: Copy into previously existing Dnddoor directory, or create a new directory named \Dndoor46 on drive C: and unzip the Dnddoor zip file there. Run Dndcnvt if you are starting Dnddoor for the first time. If you have been editing the data files, run Dndcnvt anyway. No harm will come to your existing data files. Old data files will not be over-written if you have been using the Dnddoor editor. Instead, the data files that are named with the filename extension '.new' are compared against existing ones and renamed to '.dat' if they do not exist when installing Dnddoor for the first time. If you have an old non-edited data file set then Dndcnvt will attempt to upgrade them to the new data record lengths. Dndcnvt will delete the data files with the extension '.new' so there is no need to run the conversion utility more than once. Make sure you backup any data files before starting the conversion program in case of a bad conversion run. Or delete all files with extension '.dat' and run Dndcnvt to rename the files with extension '.new' to the new data files. Complete the upgrade by reading Readme.1st and start the Dnd Door program. For further confusion contact the author at: and explain some problems. Thank you for sending cookies.