Q: How do I send mail to another System on the Net? A: You should know the Name or the User number of the user you are trying to send mail to. Also, you need to know the System's Node. Example, say you wanna e-mail Joe Blow #23, and the System he is on, it's Node @9912, then you would put this in where you would normally put just a handle in: 23@9912 or JOE BLOW@9912. Either way will work great (Unless Joe changed his handle and you didn't know.) Q: How do I see how much of a packet is waiting to go out? A: In the WFC screen, Press P (For Pending) and a Screen with your Connect(s) will come up. Q: How do I force a Network Callout? A: In the WFC screen, press the '/' key, and a then enter in the your connections node and press enter. The board will then callout to the system. If you are in need of rushing the packet out to the connect, but he/she's line is busy, there is always the war Dialing (Or what I like to call the  Panic Function). To use the war dialing method, press '.' and also tell it your connect's node, press enter, then tell it how many attempts it should make before giving up. I suggest nothing higher than 10 attempts. Simply because if it doesn't go in 10, it won't go for awhile, plus, it's annoying to your callers if the call and get stuck in the middle of one of those attempts. Q: Can I callout to another Node other than my connect to send a packet? A: No. Not unless you have set up a connect with them. There is a file called CALLOUT.NET in your pervNet directory that stores the info needed to callout. If you are connecting with @9900, then your CALLOUT.NET should look like this @9900 & ; ^ "HAUUHGDPDVFHXEI" ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Node your Macros for network packets and connect Net Password. Connecting with The CALLOUT.NET is a basic text file with the basic instructions for the network on how it should handle the packets and the connection. I say this because I can't remember how many times I have gotten 3am wake up calls because a node has pulled this. See the Password there? DON'T TOUCH OR GO NEAR IT!!!!! That is the password that is for the Connections to go through, it has to match with the system that is your connect, anything different than what is set up will cause you and your Connect a big headache. If by any chance you have screwed up the password, delete all the letters from right to left ( go <- this way if you are from europe. :) Kidding) But, try not to displace the left " and it should look like this without a password "". On both ends, the password should be clear so as when you callout again, the Systems will create thier own 'Unique' password that is only go for that connecting. Q: What if I want to add another connect with me and another system? Well, I would really suggest that you let your Nearest coordinator know that this is going to be done, and that the other Node nows you and him/her are connecting now. And all you would do for this is add underneath the other Node in the callout.net. Example (Using @9921 as the adding node) : @9920 & ; ^ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO" @9921 & ; ^ "" Pretty simple eh? :) Q: How do I get a trip to Disneyland? A: Win the Super Bowl. :) (Humor is good in texts like this don't ya think?) Q: What if my Connecting system is not responding, or connecting with me anymore? A: It's a good sign that the system has suffered a crash, or the sysop is takeing an Unexpected Vacation from CyberLand. What I usually would do, and I suggest it is get in touch with the sysop if you can, by voice and find out what's going on, if that is something impossible, contact your Local coordinator (GC or AC), they a lot of the times have an Idea with what's up with your connecting system. Q: If I wanted to, could I be able to re-route some of the network to make some wanted connects? A: Gawd, I hope this stupid questions doesn't come up if you aren't a GC or AC, or asked to help out. But, the answer to that question would be simply put, Do it, mess with it, and DIE! :) If you have any questions that aren't addressed above, please E-mail me or anyone who knows Networking, and they should be more than happy to help out. And, if we are all for some reason, being jerks and won't answer you. The Technical Docs are always a good source or back info. :)