Thank you for Downloading and showing interest in PervNet. PervNet is a WWIVnet style net (if ya didn't guess.). The main purpose I started PervNet was not because I am a sick minded guy (Well, not 100% of the time anyways), but because of a couple of things: 1> I ran a Previous Net that was, shall we say, dead. And I wanted to give it another try. 2> A local Net out here in Riverside, CA had become something of a bore and the NC wasn't really all he is supposed to be, a NC :). I would love to go on about how he is a perfect example of why the NC position should be for anyone, but, hey, this is about PervNet, not his.  So, after a couple of E-mails from other SysOp's in the area, and a lot of thought, here is PervNet on your HD. 'Why is PervNet called PervNet and is it really all that Perverted?' This net is called PervNet simply because all the other Good networks had gotten the Cool names before me. Plus, the name catches a couple of looks (Ok, you can laugh because it caught your attention also. :) ) But, This is no Joke of a Net. Within 1 week of it's 'Launch', we were pressing packets of 15k and higher (Did I forget to say they were Compressed?) every couple of hours. Now, I dunno about you, But never have I seen or heard of a Network with only 4 systems setup, constantly push that much traffic in the 1st week. And that amount of traffic, still, after 2 months of running, has ceased to slow to anything under 80k a day. Now, I can't tell you, or promise you that if you join, that you will get whoppers of Huge Packets, that really depends on what you and your user's want to carry Sub wise on your system. But, I am going to try and promise you that this is net will be a popular, and very Interesting one to come around in a long time. (Have I got you hooked yet? Hope so, because here comes some of the Guidelines for the net. i.e. the boring stuff.) PervNet GUIDELINES and REGULATIONS: 1> All systems are required to carry at least 2 Subs. And one must be the SysOp Sub. This is Mainly Because a lot of the Information about the  Network, and event's that will take place with it are said in the SysOp Sub. So, it is a must for all Nodes. 2> Please use good judgement when subscribing to certain subs. I mean, if you have a System that is mainly 17yrs and younger, don't be Subscribing to any Adult chat subs unless your are 18 or older. Not that I am dumb and Don't know that there are 13 yrs olds who can talk the filth better than most of us adults, it's just not a cool Idea to pull. Specially with the recent events occuring within Cyber Space. So please, take my advice and warning, Don't lie, and you won't die. 3> This network is meant for the enjoyment of all. I nor the coordinator's of PervNet will stand for any sub geared at Discriminating anyone of any Race, Color, Cred, Nationality, Religion, or Sex. Any such creations appear, it will be dealt with severly and swiftly. 3a> Subs that are a Topic of User Flamming/Bashing are allowed on PervNet and again, we ask that you have descresion with them so as to not upset anyone else outside your system. 4> File Transfering over the net is a cool and faster way for sysops to obtain need or wanted files. This is allowed on PervNet Pending on that the system(s) you are wanting to have this ability with agree to allow it, and that you have the proper software. A word of Caution though, if you are caught transfering any file(s) that aren't supposed to be distributed, your use of this network will be terminated, and the matter will be turned over  to the proper authorities. So, in otherwords, if it can't be identified by any of the 6 or 7 senses, then it never happened. But I still don't suggest it. 5> {Brown Nose warning! Brown Nose warning!} Even though it isn't a requirement to be a reg'd SysOp with WWIV to be a  member of this net, it is highly smiled upon. The Authors of WWIV have Put many hours, and hard work into WWIV inorder for you to be able to use thier software. Please Support them when you can. And on a Darker note for a sec here. If you are running a Pirated WWIV source code of any version, you will be removed off this network and reported to the proper authorities. !!!All reg numbers will be checked and cleared with WWIV Software Services!!! 6> Lastly, and most important, we want you to enjoy this net to the fullest, and help add to it's uniqueness. So you better have fun or else!!!!!! :) OK WAKE UP!!!!! Is it me, or is this starting to look like a Bonnie Dundee post??? ( Lil' Joke for all the 909/818 Systems reading this. :) ) Ok, now that the above is outta they way, let's get you started. If this is your 1st Network, please refer to the INSTALL.TXT that should be with this packet. If not, you can either request for it when sending in your app. or refer to the Network Technical Documentation. And asking another WWIV sysop with experience is also a good and fast way to learn. As for you out there who are familar in working with this style of Network, then why are you reading this still? Go get going on that app and get it to me! :) If you have any questions, or comments ( Heck, even Bad comments are welcomed. But please don't be offended when we are laughing at them. :) ) please send them to me at the following Network addresses: 1@1-PervNet 1@13-RiverNet DOC@9925-IceNet Thanks for the attention and will see you on the network! Dan 'Doc' Stark NC of PervNet