:Base wnfossil.hlp 1 Overview 2 Introduction=HELP_CONTENTS 2 License=wnfossil_license 1 How To ... 2 configure WinFossil options for a particular port=wnfossil_howto_configureoptions 2 enable WinFossil for a particular port=wnfossil_howto_enable 2 install VFOSSIL with WinFossil=wnfossil_howto_vfossil 2 lock or unlock WinFossil baud rates=wnfossil_howto_wnfosctl 2 register WinFossil=wnfossil_registration 2 uninstall WinFossil=wnfossil_howto_uninstall 2 use WinFossil with non-standard IRQs and/or ports=wnfossil_howto_nonstd 1 Troubleshooting 2 Compatibility=wnfossil_compatibility 2 Technical Support=wnfossil_techsup 2 Common Q & A 3 ANSI screens displayed slowly=wnfossil_trouble_slowness 3 Dropped carrier with DigiBoard=wnfossil_trouble_digiboard 3 Unable to open FOSSIL port with non-FOSSIL applications=wnfossil_trouble_cantopen 3 Falcon's Eye drops carrier or fails to recognize FOSSIL=wnfossil_trouble_fe 1 History 2 Revision History=wnfossil_revision_history