Please read this information before attempting to use this revision of ONEFOSsil. Revision 9 has not changed the way ONEFOSsil operates, so old batch files should run fine with a simple copy-over upgrade. However, be sure to check the documentation for differences, such as the Windows Tips section. Notice: This is a quick release. Almost every internet address stated in the documentation is invalid, I don't have time to correct them, because some internet service provider is refusing to provide me service, can't do anything about that, please FREQ updates from 1:285/302 or 303 (registered version from /302 only now) or send email to and I'll reply with any updates. Revision 8 has changed how the port argument on the command line works. Please read ONEFOS.TXT - Installing - Port Argument for more information. If you fail to read the documentation, ONEFOSsil Revision 8 will not function in old batch files. Please read ONEFOS.TXT - Compatibility Notes about compatibility problems with some programs! It also covers eliminating CRC errors under Windows, along with other useful tips. ONEFOSsil is not yet complete. It is however quite useful in its current form. Please be sure to read the documentation, it has changed. ONEFOSsil supports most of the FOSSIL 5 specification with exceptions to carrier watchdogs, timer chaining, and extension functions. These functions are rarely used with modern IBM PC software. ONEFOSsil also supports many of the X00 advanced functions. ONEFOSsil also has some (very few) extensions of its own. This information is contained in the file ONEREF.TXT now distributed with ONEFOSsil. If you have trouble using ONEFOSsil, read ONEFOS.TXT - Troubleshooting to see if your problems can be solved there, else read SUPPORT.TXT on how to receive support. The latest version of ONEFOSsil is available by File REQuest from 1:285/302@FidoNet as "ONEFOS". The latest version plus other related files may be found on the Internet at: or at You may also call Hooper Connections BBS at (402) 654-2102 (V.34) and download ONEFOSsil on your first call. Another place ONEFOSsil information can be found on the Internet is at You may have already noticed that ONEFOSsil's archive is Windows friendly. All documentation files have an extension of .TXT rather than .DOC. This makes viewing the files under the Windows environment more friendly as users of MS Word for Windows will not be forced to use Word for reading the documentation files which are in text format anyway.