==================== History of the Group ==================== In December of 1993, from the heart of Baltimore, the AVA was born. After gathering local users from around Maryland, a fair amount of work was completed, and the AVA officially went public. The Audio Video Assembly was founded by Jack Morgan III as a medium to share the A(udio)/V(ideo) creations to the public. Since its formation, the AVA has grown in leaps and bounds by recruiting some of the state's best ANSi artists, MOD composers, and VGA graphic artists. Input and response from the individual members of the AVA has been absolutely overwhelming. As a result, the AVA can now claim the largest release collection for any group of its type in Maryland. As of FAQ 3.0, the AVA's work can be found over from over 30 sites and support boards in six states. The AVA has just recently entered into the realm of programming VGA loaders and related items. In August of 1994, the AVA went national and immediatly gathered interest from people around the nation, obtaining a west coast dist. site in California and a southern dist. site in Florida. Beginning this past October, MI-CAD was organized as a "Trainee" group for the AVA. Headed by Spooner, Stinger and Kubiak, this group is for anyone with the interest of becoming a computer artist, or for beginners who wish to improve their skills. The AVA selects the MI-CAD member's best works and include them with the AVA packs. The AVA is the -only- national group in the United States with a team of individuals helping those who are trying to get into the group. No pressure, no attitudes, no deadlines, just 100% positive re-enforcement.