====================== How to contact the AVA ====================== Write via U.S. Snail-Mail at: --[ Audio Video Assembly Productions ]-- --[ P.O. Box 4890 ]-- --[ Baltimore, MD 21211 ]-- To contact the AVA directly on the AVA WHQ, call: --[ Sonic Meltdown BBS: AVA WHQ ]-- --[ (410) 426-8748 ]-- E-mail on Internet at: --[ hartman@access.digex.net ]-- E-mail on America Online at: --[ gamer6@aol.com ]-- E-mail on WWiV on DigiNeT at: --[ audio video assembly@59 ]-- E-mail on WWiV on EveNet at: --[ audio video assembly@7041 ]-- NOTE: Please include "AVA" in your subject/title of the e-mail please. Thank you.