Registration Form! (Dec.1997) (Please Complete and Return with your Registration) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Programs Currently Available Check for Reg. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [Wildcat 5 - INS Trivia & Dice Games] The X-Files Trivia ............... $15.00 ................. __________ Ultimate Trek Trivia ............. $15.00 ................. __________ Television Trivia ................ $15.00 ................. __________ Super Sci-Fi Trivia .............. $15.00 ................. __________ Music Trivia ..................... $15.00 ................. __________ Advanced Bible Trivia ............ *FREEWARE* Wildcat INS Dice ................. $15.00 ................. __________ [WT-LORD IGM'S] *WT-LORD v2.0 READY* The Blacksmith's Shop ............ *FREEWARE* Merry Christmas .................. *FREEWARE* Bob's Beer ....................... $10.00 ................ ___________ Our Town ......................... $10.00 ................ ___________ The Witch Doctor's Hut! .......... $10.00 ................ ___________ The wcX-Files .................... $10.00 ................ ___________ The Mad Mage's Tavern ............ $10.00 ................ ___________ The Mines of Mt. Avalon .......... $10.00 ................ ___________ ANY 2 WT-LORD IGM's .............. $15.00 ................ ___________ (Limited Time Offer until DEC. 31, 1997) ANY 3 WT-LORD IGM's .............. $20.00 ................ ___________ (Limited Time Offer until DEC. 31, 1997) ANY 4 WT-LORD IGM's .............. $25.00 ................ ___________ (Limited Time Offer until DEC. 31, 1997) ALL 6 WT-LORD IGM's .............. $30.00 ................ ___________ (Limited Time Offer until DEC. 31, 1997) ***************************************** SUPER HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIAL ***************************************** wcCODE Trivia & Dice Special Trivia Games and Wildcat INS Dice for the Incredible LOW LOW Price of $40. That's less than HALF Price for the set! Get it today! THIS price will be valid thru December 31, 1997! I want the Trivia and Dice Games! .................... _________ wcCODE BLOWOUT Holiday SUPER PAK! ALL 12 PROGRAMS!!!! Yes, TRIVIA, Wildcat INS Dice and WT-LORD IGMS all for the "HOLIDAY SEASON" Special of only ........ $65.00 An incredible reduced rate. Add more than a few "REGISTERED" programs to your system this Holiday Season! If I finish other WT-LORD IGM's or wcCODE programs before Jan. 1, 1998 you will also get FREE REGISTERATIONS to them for this SAME SPECIAL PRICE! You get 12 and possibly more!... AWESOME!!! THIS price will be valid thru December 31, 1997! I WANT THEM ALL FOR THE SPECIAL PRICE OF $65.00 ___________ Total amount enclosed __________ Make checks or money orders payable to: Joseph Watson Mail reg form and payment to: Joseph Watson 2330 40th S.E. Paris, Texas 75460 *** Online Registration *** Get your Code Today! MasterCard and Visa are accepted for registrations online at Farpoint BBS or Wayne's World BBS! Your order will be processed and your Registration Code will be attached to a message or sent to you via Internet Email! Be sure to check below for your options. We will also need you to upload this register.txt as a message attachment to the sysop in order to complete processing of your Registration Code! Please rename the register.txt file to your "lastname.txt". ex. watson.txt Most orders take less than 24hrs. to process! THE ONLINE REGISTRATION DOORS are on the MAIN MENUS! Farpoint BBS Internet: (903) 785-8820 (903) 785-4885 Wayne's World BBS Internet: (903) 784-7838 (903) 784-6851 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (Please Be Exact on filling out the info below) (Registration is Case Sensitive) BBS Name (wcCONFIG):_____________________________________ Sysop Name: ______________________________________ BBS Registration Number: ___________________________ BBS Phone Number: __________________________________ Voice Phone Number: _________________________________ Internet Email Address: __________________________________________ Please check one: I will pick up my "Registration Code" via Farpoint Message attachment _____ I wish for my "Registration Code" to be sent to me via Internet Email _____ (I have provided my Internet E-Mail Address Above) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [1]. You can login on Farpoint and download it off a message attachment if you have an account setup! Please login early and have your account setup up in advance. [2]. I will be happy to send it to you via Internet E-Mail By registering, you will recieve future upgrades at no additional cost. The only exception might be long distance calls to download your new versions! Please be sure the games runs fine on your system and you are satisfied before you register! No refunds will be made. Copyrights to "The X-Files" belongs to FOX and "Star Trek" belongs to Paramount! I make no claims of ownership or anything else concerning these titles and characters! :) L.O.R.D. or Legend of the Red Dragon belongs to Seth Able Robinson. WT-LORD or Wildcat Tournament Legend of the Red Dragon belong to ICERAGE Technologies.