WHO IS DR. DREAD? In the year 2011, a genius won the Nobel Peace prize for his work in chemistry, robotics, and electrical sound waves. It is rumored that 2 years ago, in 2023, a lab worker spilled a deadly mixture of gases, killing himself, and rendering the genius totally insane. Since then, he has gone by the name, Dr. Dread, and seeks to destroy the world as we know it in order to take over the planet. It is your mission to ultimately stop him. You will be up against Dr. Dread's powerful Electro Droids. You will be sent on missions which will require that you make your way past these Droids in order to rescue hostages, find secret papers, stop chemical disasters, and many other acts of bravery. COMMAND CENTER You will begin your assignment in the Command Center. You will be given a Zapper, some Wave Blasts (ammo) and some Life Capsules. You may do many things in the Command Center, such as visiting the Teller Machine to deposit and withdraw gleckles. You may go to the Gymnasium to work out and Chat with other Agents. You may go to the Message Center to leave a message to a particular agent. At anytime throughout the game, you may quit by pressing "Q". You may also view the high scores by pressing "S" and your inventory by pressing "N". For this help file, press "?" at any time. ZONES When you exit the Command Center through the South Door, you will enter the first zone. You are given a quota of 150 gleckles a day which you may pick up in the zones. They are scattered throughout the forest and mountains. You must find the gleckles before Dr. Dread's dreaded Electro Droids find you! The value of the gleckles increases with each zone you are in. But beware, the cost of obtaining the most valuable gleckles is great -- the Droids are more powerful in each zone farther away from the Command Center. It is best to stay in the first 3-4 Zones until you can afford to purchase Protective Gear from the Command Center. KEY QUESTS AND COLORED DOORS IN THE ZONES Many zones now have shortcuts to and from other zones which can only be entered via the colored doors. To enter through the colored doors, you must go on a key quest. By trying to enter a colored door, you will be told how you can obtain the colored key for that door. Once you have that color of key, you may enter freely through all the doors of that color. Key quests are only available upon obtaining permission by trying to enter a colored door and only while the Droids are actively roaming the zones. (While you have battles left for the day.) You must pick up the keys in a certain order and will be told the order as you go. MULTIPLE PLAYERS IN THE ZONES: If you are on a multi-node or single-node BBS you can now see the other players that are in the zones. If the other player is on line while you are on line, you will see their movement only as you move. If that player is transported to a mission, battle or trap, they will disappear from the zone while they are away. As you pass over the spot where the other player is sitting, you will be told who that player is and offered a chance to challenge them to a friendly battle. BATTLES Your mission when encountering an Electro Droid is to deactivate it so that it may be transported back to the Command Center Laboratory for further study. Electro Droids are deactivated by blasting a wave at it with your zapper. Electro Droids are deactivated in different ways depending upon their difficulty level. Droid Levels are indicated by different colors. When you have zapped through a color, it will change to another color. When the color is a blinking black, that indicates you have disabled that area of the droid. Some droids require disabling 5 cells in a row, others require disabling all the cells. The farther away from the Command Center you travel, the more difficult the droids are to deactivate. If you do not have enough Waves to finish a battle, or if the Droid is too powerful and has zapped most of your Life, simply "Y" yell for transport and you will be transported away from the Droid. But -- the Command Center will demote you in experience if you woose out and yell for transport. Keep an eye on your Life. If you allow the Droid to zap all of your Life, he will take half of your gleckles AND the Command Center will demote your experience to the beginning of your Rank! You will be transported to the Zone 1 Hospital when you have been totally zapped by a Droid. It is better to 'Y'ell for Transport, than to allow a Droid to totally Zap your Life. You CANNOT replenish Life during a Battle. MISSIONS In the employ of the Command Center, missions will indicate how brave you are. In each mission, it is your task to find the floppy disk, deactivate the computer, and rescue the hostage. You must avoid the Electro Droids (moving and blinking items) as you travel on each mission. (Use your NumLock and arrow keys to move throughout the game.) As you travel, you may freely pick up the  diamonds. The  diamonds are worth 30 gleckles each and will provide you with currency to purchase things in the Supply Store. You begin each mission with 3  Life Capsules and if you get zapped during the mission, you may replenish your Life by picking up the  Life Capsules lying on the ground. You cannot have more than 3  Life Capsules during a mission. (These Life Capsules are different than the ones you purchase in the Supply Store. Those are used in Battles while in the Zones.) If you pick up the letters to the secret code word, in order, you will be given a bonus. MISSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS When transported to a mission sight, you are in Dr. Dread's territory and your purchased life capsules, zappers, and protective gear will be useless. You only have your wits to aid you. You must avoid Dr. Dread's dreaded electro droids.  = The Sizzler is perhaps the easiest droid to outwit. The Sizzler does not move and when he is not blinking, you may walk through him. Move into him when he is blinking.  = The Zinger moves around, and if you bump into this droid, look out! o = Beware the Boppers -- don't bump into this droid, or else!  = Beware the Squishers. °± = Missions will vary, but on your mission you may find computers.  = Freely pick up any gleckles you find.  = If you lose life, you may pick up any life capsules scattered about. / = The Electro Droids will only be active while you are in a room or in a doorway between 2 rooms. (Use the 5 key to stand still.) Gain experience by collecting code letters & finishing the mission. In some missions, your goal will be to rescue a hostage. You will be returned to the spot you left in the Zone upon completion. EXPERIENCE As you battle electro droids and accomplish missions, you will gain experience. When you have gained enough experience, you will be advanced to a greater Rank as an agent. SUPPLIES You will be requisitioned a Zapper, Waves and Life when you begin your employ as an agent. You won't need to purchase protective gear until you have enough gleckles saved up. It is best to invest your gleckles in more Life and Waves in your first 3 Ranks. After Rank 3, you may wish to begin investing in protective gear. When you are ready to upgrade to a higher deflection value, you must first sell your current item before purchasing a new item. The Supply Center will only pay half of the value of a new item. PROTECTIVE GEAR The amount of deflection is listed next to the protective gear item in the Supply Center. If you purchase head gear worth 2 deflection, during a battle, you will be shown with a different color head to indicate the amount of deflection in the item you are wearing. The Droid will have to hit you in the head twice in order to turn it black and gain a Life point from you. Save your gleckles so that you can purchase protective gear! This will aid you greatly in your battles. ZAPPERS & WAVES You will start out with a Sparky Stunner zapper and some Waves. Each time you shoot a Droid, it takes one Wave. As you get more gleckles, you can upgrade your Zapper. With each additional deflection level of the Zapper, this shows how many Waves will hit in one Zap. For instance, the Turbo Tazer is worth 6 in deflection, this means that it will send six Waves at once when battling Droids. This will become very handy when battling the higher level Droids. PHONE (MULTI-NODE CHATTING) Multi-node BBS's can now have players send each other messages via the cellular phone function. Press '*' from any of the screens to invoke the cellular phone options: Dial: (*) All (1) Personal (2) Screen/Hold (3) Pausing (4) Rewind You may press ** to send a message to everyone. Or press *1 to send a message to a single agent. You will be asked to input the agent's name. Press *2 to toggle putting messages on hold or automatically send them to screen as they are received. To take messages off of hold, depress *2 again. Press *3 to toggle pausing on and off. When you enter the game, at the end of each message you must press 'Y' to indicate the message was read and continue. If this is annoying, you can simply toggle pausing off by depressing *3 and the messages will advance with each keystroke that you make. Press *4 to Rewind messages. If you had message pausing off and missed some messages, you can press *4 to rewind messages from 1-9 messages. If you wish to cancel, just depress 0. SPLIT-SCREEN Sysop Chat Split-screen sysop chat can be invoked by the player or the sysop by depressing "C" from within the game. It is not functional within the rooms of the Command Center -- only while in the Halls. RANKS & PROMOTION Each time you are promoted a Rank, you will gain an additional 2 Life points. To see the experience levels per Rank, go to the Personnel office in the Command Center. DREAD HEADS: In the Personnel office you may view a list of Dread Heads. Those who have battled Dr. Dread's body guard Droid and lived to capture Dr. Dread. It lists agent names, ranks, scores, and the date of capture. CONTACT: If you have comments, suggestions, or wish lists about Dr. Dread -- please address them to Nannette Thacker. You may contact me in the Fidonet Door Games echo (if your comment is NICE!). If you want to be nasty, I don't want to hear from you ;) -- but if you insist, send it to: Fidonet address: 1:291/27 Nannette Thacker My Internet Address is: Nannette.Thacker@pantherbbs.com