Rude Dog Software T-Shirts ========================== We are now offering Rude Dog Software T-Shirts. Each T-Shirt comes with the official Rude Dog Software logo printed on the back and the front pocket. Inspired by M.C. Escher, the Rude Dog Software logo is refreshingly unique. If you are a t-shirt collector, or your Metallica (TM) t-shirt has more holes than Kurt Cobain's head, then the Rude Dog Software T-Shirt is for you. The file RUDEDOG.GIF contains an 800x600x256 color image of the official Rude Dog Software logo. This gives you the opportunity to see in advance what you will receive when you order your Rude Dog Software T-Shirt. The logo printed on the back of each t-shirt is a full size copy of the logo in RUDEDOG.GIF. The logo on the pocket of the t-shirt is the same, but without the watery blue background. All Rude Dog Software T-Shirts are are available in a variety of sizes. Each t-shirt costs $12.00 U.S. To order a Rude Dog Software T-Shirt fill out the order form contained in the file REGISTER.FRM. For information on bulk discounts please contact me in one of the following ways. Voice: (619)377-3589 from about 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. * NO COLLECT CALLS * Please let the phone ring at least eight times. It sometimes takes me awhile to get to the phone. BBS: Sanctuary from The Law BBS - (619)377-3611 - 24 Hours. Fido-Net: Sean Price at 1:205/46 InterNet: Mail: Rude Dog Software c/o Sean P. Price P.O. Box 1364 Inyokern, CA 93527-1364 NOTE: Metallica is a trademark of the band Metallica.