19 You see before you a young adult black dragon approximately twenty- eight feet in length. His evil eyes glitter as he stares at you. Emitting a deafening screech, he pounces. A young adult blue dragon of approximately thirty-five feet in length charges in your direction. It's ice blue eyes seem to emanate the evil of it's soul. Giving forth a roar like a thunderclap, it attacks. A young adult green dragon about thirty feet long stands among the trees. It's eyes belie it's evil intent, and you can smell it's noxious breath. Standing high on it's haunches it bellows a challenging roar. You see what appears to be a giant turtle with a great dragon's head. The shell of this beast is deep green with silver highlights, and is about twenty-five feet in diameter. It's head is green with golden highlights. On it's head is a crest of purest gold. You are confronted by what appears to be a very large praying mantis. It's about ten feet long with a brownish chitinous shell. You are confronted by a huge rust red hound. It has glowing red eyes and soot black teeth. You encounter a huge dragon-like beast with six heads. It's coloring ranges from gray brown on it's back to tan on it's underside. You are attacked by a huge beast that resembles some failed attempt at crossing an owl with a bear. You are attacked by a large primate-like creature. It's fur is dirty gray, it's paws blood red, and it's face and tail are black. You encounter a seven foot long eight legged reptile. It's hide is dull brown, shading toward yellow at it's underbelly. It's are a glowing pale green. You encounter a beautiful naked woman with huge bat-like wings, and short horns. You are confronted by a beautiful nude female human with large feathered wings. A large puma-like creature with two tentacles growing from it's shoulders stands somewhere in front of you. A vibrating haze around the beast prevents you from pinpointing it's exact location. The beast is bluish black, with dull black tentacles, and glowing green eyes. You are confronted by a truly ugly beast. It has the body of a huge stag, a lion-like tail, and legs that end in cloven hooves. It has a huge badger-like head, and sharp bony ridges instead of teeth. You are attacked by a large monster with the body of a great lion, the wings of a bat, and a huge human head. It's lion's tail ends with appears to be long iron spikes. You are confronted by a nine foot creature that looks like a cross between a man and a bull. You are attacked by a walking corpse that is wrapped in burial cloth. You encounter a large black horse. It's body is gaunt and skeletal, and it's head is huge. It has glowing red eyes and flaming orange nostrils. You are attacked by a huge fish-like creature with the head of a great lion. It's powerful looking forelegs appear to be a cross between lion and fish.