13 You see before you a young adult black dragon approximately twenty- eight feet in length. His evil eyes glitter as he stares at you. Emitting a deafening screech, he pounces. A young adult blue dragon of approximately thirty-five feet in length charges in your direction. It's ice blue eyes seem to emanate the evil of it's soul. Giving forth a roar like a thunderclap, it attacks. You are confronted by what appears to be a very large praying mantis. It's about ten feet long with a brownish chitinous shell. You see what seems to be a very large brown and yellow dog. Before you can get a good look, it blinks out of existence and reappears right behind you. You are confronted by what looks like a large horse with a human torso extending from it's fore-ward haunches. You have come face to face with an exact duplicate of yourself. It seems identical down to the smallest detail, including clothing. You encounter a vicious looking demonic creature. It's about six feet tall with sharp claws and teeth, a long barbed tail, and a spiral horn in it's forehead. You are attacked by a hideous beast. It appears to be a deformed walking corpse. It has long filthy fangs and claws. You are confronted by a huge rust red hound. It has glowing red eyes and soot black teeth. You are attacked by a five foot bi-pedal creature with the features and coloring of a jackal. You are attacked by a seven foot humanoid creature with wolf-like features. You are confronted by a nine foot tall humanoid creature with a dull blackish-brown hide. It has disgusting black warty bumps all over and dark green hair. It's eyes are putrid purple with white pupils, and it's teeth and talons are orange. It is partially clothed in furs and it's weapons appear to be well kept. You are attacked by what appears to be a six foot long wasp.