The Dragon's Claw ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Korindia is a savage untamed land. There are only a handful of small towns scattered around the country. The hardy inhabitants struggle to make a living from the land's resources. There is little hope that you, a child of a poor farmer, will ever gain the wealth you desire. You often wish that you had been born when Korindia was under the reign of the ancient kings. A time when Korindia was a powerful and prosperous nation. A time when peace and happiness reigned. A time when powerful wizards and valiant warriors fought to defend Korindia's citizenry. A time that has been gone for thousands of years. The reality of the present is a time of hardship and struggle. Although there are a few people who have managed to become wealthy, the majority of Korindia's citizens are poor. They work hard as miners, lumberjacks, farmers, laborers, and whatever else they can to earn enough money to stay alive. There are stories of adventurers who have found wealth in the ruins and dungeons of ancient Korindia. There are even more stories of adventurers who have sought wealth in this manner and never been seen again. The land has become wild and savage. People rarely travel because they fear for their lives. Farmers often lose animals to strange beasts that haunt the night. The reality of present Korindia is a harsh one. The harshest reality by far is Baldar. Baldar is a venerable red dragon who delights in destruction and death. He has savagely pillaged Korindia for hundreds of years. This horrendously evil beast burns towns, crops, and forests. He slaughters innocent men, women, and children. He destroys trade ships from neighboring countries. The people of Korindia have tried offering virgin girls, treasure, money, and food to placate this beast. The brave warriors who have attempted to battle Baldar have all been killed. There are stories told that claim that Baldar can only be slain by one weapon. However, the stories have lost much of their original clarity over the years. They offer no name or description of the weapon. Perhaps the stories were created by a clever entertainer of the past. You have recently celebrated your sixteenth birthday. You are an only child and will eventually inherit the family farm. However, you don't wish to continue to be a poor farmer, struggling just to survive. You want to seek your fortune as an adventurer. Your father and mother want you to stay and work the farm, but have left the decision up to you. After much consideration you decide to follow your dreams. You believe that dying in battle trying to become wealthy is better than slowly dying just trying to survive. To help you get a decent start, your parents sell a part of their land and livestock. They give you this money, and the money they have been saving all of their lives. You tearfully thank them and promise to return with wealth beyond their wildest dreams. With a heavy heart, you set off towards the nearest town so you can purchase the supplies that you'll need to start your adventure.