`%Barak: `0Ok - These chairs are light...Maybe it just seems so because I'm strong. `%Aragorn: `0I really doubt that... `%Barak: `0I could juggle these chairs I'm such a stud! `%Aragorn: `0Chance, did you forget to give Barak his medicine? `%Chance: `0Whups. I'll slip it in his ale... `%Aragorn: `0Why don't you move this pub to town? More business there. `%Chance: `0Nah, I don't like towns. Even though I do like that Violet girl... `%Barak: `0She's mine I say! All mine! `%Mary "Bitch" O'Hardy: `2`0This place is quiet tonight.. `%Merlin the Creator `1 This is PoorLord!