Heavenware Software Catalog as of Apr 5th, 1995 =========================== Apost32.zip An awesome AutoPost door, v3.2. Sysop config. colors, security for posting, No.# of posts before deleting, allows handles. All configurable by the sysop. Completely self-maintaining. Support for TriBBS, PCBoard, Spitfire, RBBS, Wildcat!, GAP (Door.Sys) & WWIV. $10.00 reg fee. Bbsnws31.zip x.....................................x ... BBS NEWS v3.1 ... . (C)1995 Heavenware Software . . A fast & effective way to create or . ... append your News Bulletin ... . Supports ANSI &ÿASCII, Text file . ... importing, 8 lines of text & ... . any BBS Specific pause commands . x.....................................x Clasad21.zip ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Classified Ads v2.1 º º (c)1994,1995 Heavenware Software º º Great sell it style door, supports º º up to 20 categories,(all definable) º º unlimited # of ads, auto maint., º º fast record searches, user friendly º º menus, and supports ad deletion fromº º the user who posted the ad or Sysop º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ Cam11.zip The maintenance release of CAMAINT.EXE for Heavenware Software's Classified Ad door. This fixes the time bug. This file is not needed if you have v2.1 of Classified Ads. Ezstat22.zip ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º EZSTAT v2.2 º º (C)1994 Heavenware Software º º For any EZrom or SFrom user. º º Allows you to easily view or change º º your ezrom.mas or sfrom.mas file. º º NOW SUPPORTS MULTIPLE CD'S!!! º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ Nmlmsg10.zip ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ NML2MSG Version 1.0 ³ ³ (C)1994 Heavenware Software ³ ³ Converts WildMail .NML files to ³ ³ Fido .MSG files for editor and ³ ³ external/internal mail processing ³ ³ Registration is only $5.00 ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; Triscr.zip Screen Display. Allows sysops to display one screen in either RIP, ANSI, or ASCII format depending on callers setting. $$$ FREEWARE $$$ Ul11.zip ÚÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ¿ ³ ±²Û Ultimate Logger v1.1 Û²± ³ ³ (C)1994 Heavenware Software ³ ³Searches your BBS log for up to 10 ³ ³keywords and creates a great looking³ ³ANSI &ÿASCII bulletin as a report. ³ ³More Features and more configuarble!³ ³Supports any BBS & log, $15.00 ³ ÀÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÙ Wall521.zip * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A Great Grafitti Wall Door. * * Very configurable, easy to setup. * * User friendly, Auto-maintenance. * * Support for most door drop formats. * * (C)1994,1995 Heavenware Software * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Robousr2.zip °±Û ROBOUSER v2.0 Û±° (C)1994,1995 Heavenware Software An easy to use, RoboBOARD/FX user editor. All new powerful commands. Dupe checker, Seek routine, supports printing of user database as well. Ticrob13.zip ±Û TICROBO v1.03 Û± ±Û (c) 1995 Heavenware Software Û± ±Û The Ultimate RoboBOARD/FX .TIC Û± ±Û processor. Features include: Û± ±Û Archive conversion (ZIP,ARJ,LZH) Û± ±Û File_id.diz & BBS Ad importing Û± ±Û Virus scanning. Multiple dir. Û± ±Û processing. ALL configurable. Û± ±Û Now has full logging also! Û± >>> All files can be FREQ'd or downloaded from Seventh Heaven (1:392/20) or (915)698-9514 /V34 using the above mentioned filenames.