--=== South B*R*O*N*X & Environment Variables ===-- The environment in which South B*R*O*N*X was written supports COM 1-4 on the standard IRQ's - COM1/COM3 = IRQ4 and COM2/COM4 = IRQ3. If you wish to use a non-standard IRQ, add the IRQ number after the configuration filename. For instance:) Let's assume your Door is called BRONX and you want to use COM1 and IRQ5. The command line your BRONX.BAT file has to pass to the Door would be: BRONX BRONX.CFG /5 or BRONX BRONX.CFG /%IRQ% for the environment variable. The /5 tells DoorFrame to use IRQ5 rather than the standard IRQ4 that is normally used with COM1. No /x parameter is needed for the standard IRQ's. If you wish to use run the game on a multi-node set-up you will have to have one .cfg file and likley a .bat for each node specifing the details used by that particular node depending on what your BBS platform requires.