__________________________________ FOUR LEAF CLOVER Copyright (c) 1994-96 Written by: Danny Davis ___________________________________ Shareware Notice ---------------- This program is not free by any means. You are welcomed to try and evaluate the program for a period of 30 days. After this period of time if you continue to use this program you are expected to register it. Under no circumstances shall any individual(s) sell, or in anyway make profit from this program without prior written permission from the author. Nor shall any individual(s) be allowed to decompile or alter the program structure in any such way or form. Warranty Notice --------------- This program is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, expressed or implied. Any person using this software assumes the risk involved in doing so. In no event shall I, Danny Davis, or any of my co-authors be held liable in anyway for any direct or indirect losses arising out of the use of or inability to use this software. REQUIREMENTS: ------------- CGA Monitor IMB XT/AT/386/486 BBS INFO --------- Wildcat 2,X, and 3.0 Gap v4.0 and Greater Pcboard v14.0 QuickBBS v2.64 thru v2.75 Spitfire DIGIBOARD SUPPORT Drop files that can be made to work with this software are as follows: DOOR.SYS SFDOORS.DAT DORINFOx.DEF (x-node ID numbers) CALLINFO.BBS INSTALLATION OF THE DOOR: ------------------------- USING THE INSTALL PROGRAM: -------------------------- Use the utility program to configure the configuration file to meet your specifications by typing UTILITY INSTALL. Line 1 - Full Path to the BBS Default Directory (where DOOR.SYS is) Line 2 - Name of the BBS Line 3 - IRQ for this Port. If running COM ports other than 1 or 2 this must be the IRQ that will be used for that Port. If running on COM 1 or COM 2 or using a DigiBoard, this can be set to 0. Line 4 - Base Address for this Port (In Hex). If running ports other than 1 or 2 this must be the Base Address that will be used for that Port. If running on COM 1 or COM 2 or using a DigiBoard, this can be set to 0. Line 5 - The COM Port Interface to use: STANDARD = Regular Communications Port Interface. This is what you would normally use. DIGIBOARD = Direct DigiBoard Programming Interface. Must be used in conjunction with a program called RESETDIG.EXE. If you don't have this program but have a DigiBoard, then use the following option. INT14/EBIOS = Indirect DigiBoard Support via a Device Driver. All Communications to the DigiBoard (or any board that supports INT14/EBIOS) are performed via a Software Interrupt that the Device Driver handles. FOSSIL = If you use a fossil device Line 6 - If using a DigiBoard, this is the Memory Window, or the address the card uses as a communications area between the card and the Host Computer. Only needed if using an Interface set to DIGIBOARD. If using STANDARD or INT14/EBIOS, can be set to 0. Line 7 - If using a DigiBoard, this is the I/O Port address that the Board is attached to. Only needed if using an Interface set to DIGIBOARD. If using STANDARD or INT14/EBIOS, can be set to 0. Line 8 - If using a DigiBoard, this is the Channel Number for this port on the Digi. This is REQUIRED for DIGIBOARD and INT14/EBIOS Interfaces. This is 1 - 8 for the DIGIBOARD Interface and usually 4 - 11 for the INT14/EBIOS Interface. This number tells the program which of the Com Ports on the DigiBoard it should use. Line 9 - Will be the SYSOP name Line 10 - Drop File That you have DOOR.SYS - WC30, Gap SFDOORS.DAT - Spitfire DORINFOx.DEF - RBBS, QBBS, SBBS Line 11 - Baud Rate Line 12 - Page Allowed 1 = YES 0 = NO Line 13 - Maxtime ALlowed Per Session Line 14 - Number Of Times Allowed To Play Per Day Line 15 - Path For Ascii Hi-Score Line 16 - Path For Ascii Hi-Score BATCH Files For Various BBS WILDCAT 2.X and 3.X DOOR#.BAT : ------------------------------- CD\WILDCAT\DOOR\4LEAF 4LEAF 4LEAF01.CNF CD\WILDCAT CAT QuickBBS & DORINFOx.DEF (a TYPE 15 for QuickBBS) ----------------------- You may specify up to 9 different DorinfoX.def 's by selection from within the install program. C: CD\DOORS\4LEAF 4LEAF 4LEAF01.CNF C: CD\QBBS GOTO RESTART To run as a type 7 (for QuickBBS), simply put the 4LEAF.BAT file in the QuickBBS directory, using "*C /C 4LEAF.BAT" in the optional data line in the type 7 menu. (there are other ways to do it, this is the easiest). Gap and Pcboard: ---------------- DOOR#.BAT CD\DOOR\4LEAF 4LEAF 4LEAF01.CNF CD\GAP GAP For Local Players (Non BBS) --------------------------- FOURLEAF.EXE Plus use the /LOCAL command Maintenance : ------------- Also part of the UTILITY program also allows you to run a maintenance program to keep the player.dat file clean. By passing a nuber value from 7-30 you can specify how many days you will allow a user to stay in the door before being deleted. i.e. UTILITY MAINT 17 'this allows 17 days before a player is deleted for non-use Bulletin Generator : -------------------- This file can be ran each time the door is exited or in a nightly batch file. It will make a ANSI and a ASCII Bulletin from the information you specify in your installation module. command ..... UTILITY BULL Page and Comm Control Files : ----------------------------- Read the PAGE.CTL file and configure it to meet your needs. Multi - Line BBS : ------------------ Well this is a rather simple task. When you run the install program you can pick upto 4 different configuration files. To run this door as a multi door all you need to do is place the following statement: 4LEAF 4LEAF01.CNF And so on for the rest of the configuration files. The reason for this is so you may specify the different LOCKBAUD rates for each node. The idea of the 01 would be to specify NODE 1. You can have more then the 4 confige files, I just choose four since most BBS don't seem to have more than 3 or 4 nodes. If you have more than nine nodes all you have to do is replace the 0 with the appropiate digit. For example 4LEAF10.CNF or 4LEAF33.CNF.... Support BBS : ------------- The Lighthouse BBS [209] 325-0278 Fido Net 1:205/75 US ROBOTICS DUAL STANDARD Registration of this door will cost you $15.50 plus shipping and handling. With your registration you will recieve a key file that will work with all future versions of FOUR LEAF CLOVER.