WATTCP - TCP/IP library routines Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Erick Engelke Portions Copyright (c) 1993 Quentin Smart Portions Copyright (c) 1991 University of Waterloo Portions Copyright (c) 1990 National Center for Supercomputer Applications Portions Copyright (c) 1990 Clarkson University Portions Copyright (c) 1983, 1986, Imagen Corporation This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. RESTRICTIONS ------------ You may freely use this library to produce programs which you may give away or sell in source format, or as compiled executables, or both. You may not sell this library or a portion thereof or distribute modified versions the library code in either source or OBJect or LIBrary format without written permission from the author. The author still maintains copyright privileges and will assert the privileges of ownership for purposes of royalties such distributions. Portions of this code were written or enhanced by others and offerred to me for distribution in WATTCP under my copyright. To my knowledge, all copyrights exercised are listed at the top of this file. If this is incorrect, please contact me so I can rectify the situation. OFFICIAL SITE ------------- The official distribution site for WATTCP (and many other TCP goodies) is dorm.rutgers.edu in pub/msdos/wattcp (thanks Jim!) That is where I upload the latest libraries, my own free applications and other applications I have collected and find useful. DOCUMENTATION ------------- A programmer's reference manual I wrote is now available from the publisher. They provide no additional support and cannot help you with any aspect of the software. But they do pay a royalty to me which has been used to compensate my costs for developing this software and extending it, so I am very appreciative. That manual is copyrighted and protected by international law. It may not be copied without the authors permission. And its sale does not constitute a warranty or an automatic license to use WATTCP beyond the terms described in this file. For payment they accept credit cards, cheques, checks, money orders and P.O.s. Credit card orders can be processed over the telephone. Note that they are located in Canada and mail to them MAY REQUIRE additional postage depending on where you live. Also, be sure to use the entire address, including the last line. Canada is a heck of a large country and that line really makes a difference. Prices are listed in US dollars for convienence to our many international readers. The value charged on credit card items will be the equivalent in Canadian dollars at the exchange rate of the day. WATTCP Manual $ 40 US funds for each manual orderred ---------- Shipping + Handling $ 5 US funds to North America (Air Mail) or $ 10 US funds to anywhere else in the world ADD $ 20 US funds IF YOU ARE USING PURCHASE ORDERS in which case payment is due in 30 days. Not necessary for cheques, credit cards, etc. ---------- WATTCP Manual c/o Supro Network Software Inc. P.O. Box 18, Warsaw, Ont. CANADA K0L 3A0 Phone (705) 652-1572 and be certain to mention that you are talking about the WATTCP manual. Please note, I am not involved in the processing loop for the manual and cannot tell you of the status of your order. Use Supro's number instead. Developers' Meeting Place ------------------------- Many of the key people involved in WATTCP frequent the comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc Usenet newgroup, and there are several people there who can answer most any question. If you need my personal attention (I seem to have less and less available) you will have to Email my address below. I cannot take phone calls relating to WATTCP at my place of occupation. Erick Engelke erick@dorm.rutgers.edu 48 Daytona St. Kitchener, Ont. Canada