WcRB110s4.10 v1.10 - On-Line RIP PAGE Browsing Utility !!! WCRIPBRO The HYPERIP Page Browser Utility for WildCat! Systems Copyright (c) 1994,1995 by TravNet! International All Rights Reserved WCRIPBRO is a powerful and flexible "Page Browser" for RIP screens that operates much in the same manner as the Mosiac(tm) and NetScape(tm) browsers work on the Internet. It gives the WildCat!(tm) BBS operator the ability to display RIP screen pages through which the user can traverse based upon which button is pressed or which color highlighted mouse region is clicked on any given screen. Even more importantly, it incorporates all of the functions and utilities that are found within the WildCat! system, right into the browser itself. For example, without leaving the browser, you can allow the user to display bulletin menus, bulletins, newsletters; list, search, mark, upload and download files, scan, read, enter or delete messages; list users, page users or the sysop, and virtually any other function that can be done from a menu within WildCat!. It actually allows you to make a "Page" based system within a system. You can even enter doors from within WCRIPBRO! You can enter WCRIPBRO from any menu in your WildCat! system, and based upon the user's input, re-enter WildCat! at the same or any other specified WildCat! menu at the end of the WCRIPBRO session. Using the system, you can sell AD pages that can have text, graphics, and/or picture files attached to them that the user can read or view on-line or download at the click of a mouse button. The system's flexibility and potential uses are only limited by your own imagination. And building your WCRIPBRO 'Page' based system is as easy as using your favorite RIP editor program to build RIP screens - - you simply designate the FILENAME of the Page to GOTO in the Text To Send area of any Button or Mouse Region you define. If you want to perform ANY WildCat! function or display, simply insert the WCRIPBRO command (and any parameters if required) at the same "Text to Send" prompt for the Button or Mouse Region. Its as simple as that. Currently you can preview a DEMO of WcRIPBRO by dialing in to the COMDINET.COM BETA site at (816) 453-9375. Follow the entry screens and LOGIN to the TravNet! Host. When you arrive at the MAIN MENU, click on the WcRIPBRO DEMO BUTTON. (If you don't have RIP capabilities in your communication program, you cannot get to, nor would it be any use to get to this program). WcRIPBRO is a Copyrighted (c) 1994,1995 by TravNet! International - All Rights Reserved. As such you are granted a right to use this program for a trial period of 30 days. After the trial period has expired, you must either pay the current price for continued use of the program, or remove the program(s) and associated files from your system and destroy any backup copies in your possession. Failure to do so is a violation of Federal and International Copyright laws which could subject you to fines or imprisonment or both. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU NOW OR WILL YOU EVER HAVE ANY OWNERSHIP RIGHTS TO THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREIN. USERS ARE SOLELY GRANTED LICENSE TO USE THIS SOFTWARE AS SET FORTH HEREIN. While WcRIPBRO has been fully beta tested and appears as if it will perform on any PC based platform, THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES OF ANY SORT, and the author, TravNet! International, Contacts International, or COMDI,S.A. CANNOT TEST THIS SOFTWARE WITH EVERY OTHER POSSIBLE COMBINATION OF SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE, AND THEREFORE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, NOR HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO USER'S HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE ARISING FROM THE USE OR MISUSE OF THIS PROGRAM OR ITS ASSOCIATED FILES OR ANCILLARY PROGRAMS. INSTALLATION Installation of WCRIPBRO is a simple process. Copy the WCRIPBRO.WCX program and the WCRIPBRO.CFG files into your WildCat! home directory. Create a separate directory for the associated .HLP and .RIP files that accompany the program, usually \WCRIPBRO. (The included files are a demo that uses the system itself to describe features, and command instructions.) Use MAKEMENU to install the WCRIPBRO.WCX program as a menu item in the menu of your choice. Use INSERT to add an entry to the menu, choose a menu letter, the type should be RUN WC CODE and the parameter should be the Drive and path specification of your WildCat! home directory, and the WCRIPBRO.WCX program name. If you put the demo .HLP and .RIP files in a directory other than C:\WCRIPBRO, edit the WCRIPBRO.CFG file and change line 1 to the drive and directory you used. Line 2 is the filename of the first 'page' to be displayed when WCRIPBRO is called. It is currently set to the demo first screen. Your installation is now complete! (For the demo) After you create your own system of pages, you only need to edit the WCRIPBRO.CFG file and do the following to have the system present your pages instead of the DEMO program: 1. Edit Line 1 and type in the Drive and Directory path where your own pages are stored. 2. Edit Line 2 and type in the FileName of the FIRST screen you want displayed when the system is accessed - the system will do the rest. PLEASE NOTE: WildCat! does not support viewing RIP screens on the local console. In order to view the demo, (or your own programs), you must call in to your system from another phone line. Remember, this program is for displaying RIP pages... if your, or a user's communications program does not support RIP graphics, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SEE ANYTHING! ***NOTE***NOTE***NOTE***NOTE***NOTE***NOTE***NOTE***NOTE*** If your communication program supports RIP graphics and you would like to see a demonstration of WCRIPBRO in action, you can dial into the TravNet! BETA TEST SYSTEM at the following number: (816) 453-9375 Choose ENGLISH as your Language, and on the next screen type in RIPBRO and press ENTER. This will run a DEMO of the WCRIPBRO program, and allow you 5 minutes to browse the pages. If you try WCRIPBRO and decide to use it on your system, PLEASE REGISTER IT! The registered copy will remove the ***UNREGISTERED*** text from the bottom of the pages, and will allow you to have stacked commands for even more flexibility and versatility. Plus you will receive the latest version of the software. WCRIPBRO can be registered by sending a check or money order for $29.95 plus $4.00 shipping & handling to: Eric Forsman c/o TravNet! International 3101 N.E. 71st Terrace Gladstone, Missouri 64119 (Shipment will be withheld for 10 days for personal checks to insure that they clear the bank!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDENDA: 12 JUN 95 Version 1.10 Release Several changes made: For Page to Page traversal, the filename of a PAGE to be displayed by the click on a BUTTON or MOUSE region may still be entered directly in the Text to Send field... HOWEVER, it is recommended that these now be entered preceeded by the DISPLAYPAGE command (). Example : NEWPAGE.RIP While simply entering the FILENAME will be supported for the near future, the change was made to accomodate the new KEYWORD Search Utility option. If you anticipate using this option now or in the future, you will have to use the command to do your page traversals, including any PAGEs that you currently have defined. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WcRIPBRO KEYWORD Search Utility Option is Released The WcRIPBRO KEYWORD Search Utility will allow your users to do a keyword search, including the use of AND, OR and NOT operators to narrow their search, of KEYWORDS defined for any or all of your pages. The search results will be displayed showing the file name and NAME or DESCRIPTION of the PAGE. The user need only click on the listed item, and the system will immediately take them to that page. This is great for searching Ad systems or anything else you may have defined, by KEYWORD. The New Commands associated with this option are: KEYWORDSEARCH Execute the KEYWORD Search Utility KEYWORDDEFINE Define a keyword in your PAGE NAMEPAGE Name or provide a Description of the Page See the updated MANUAL.DOC for details on using these commands if you have purcased this option module. To install the KEYWORD module, simply unzip the file, and place the program in your WildCat! Home Directory.... That's it!!! The KEYWORD Search Module is currently a $20 option --- for a limited time only! Get yours today!