---===>>> NAPLPS and JPEG Alive and well and living in PHOENIX <<<===--- We have uploaded a little surprise called JDEMO.ZIP. It's a NAPLPS/JPEG demo and it's FREE. Before you get turned off by the term NAPLPS, let me assure you that the above package contains a terminal program that displays NAPLPS/JPEG and ANSI correctly. It also supports a compiled version of NAPLPS and JPEG we have developed which allows you to transmit both NAPLPS and JPEG from within a TDBS program without the use of download protocols or the need to use DOTBBS commands, giving the TDBS developer complete control over the graphics environment from within TDBS. Best of all this program is installed just like any other TDBS program and requires no previous graphics knowledge from the SYSOP. The terminal knows when it has entered the TDBS graphics environment and acts accordingly. BTW, many of our RIP oriented users, have taken the time to download the NAPLPS terminal and use it to view this DEMO and other NAPLPS graphics we have available on our system and have commented favorably. I'm sure that more than a few of you users may react the same. Glen(Give it a try, the price is right)Elenor