Using the High Speed Link transfer protocol with Celerity BBS. by Fatal Error of MODular Madness (512)219-8045 11/24/1991 HS/Link is a new bidirectional transfer protocol like Bimodem. Neat thing about HS/Link is that it doesn't have all those "features" that many sysops have complained about in the past when asked to install BiModem. HS/Link is a plain straight forward protocol no different than DSZ in function. It has no frills like chat, or the infamous File Requests. It basically sends the files contained in a xferlist file, and receives whatever the other person wanted to upload. No changes in the transfer can be made after it is started. Therefore it is perfect for a BBS. Ok, enough about HS/Link. Now, to talk about Celerity. Celerity, like many BBS softwares around is designed for one-way transfers only. It cannot deal with the confusion of a two way transfer. So, that would make HS/Link unusable, right? Wrong. I have come up with a scheme that will trick Celerity into doing two-way transfers. It impliments the little BIDIR.EXE file I've included in this ZIP. Basically how it works is this. The user adds the files he wants to download with the plus key. Then he enters batch transfers so he can begin the transfer. But, instead of selecting a real protocol, he will select a pseudo-protocol named "DL batch Bidirectionally". That protocol will actually call my little program which will save the transfer list, and tell celerity the transfer was successful. This will charge the user for the files, and give all the appropriate logging and credits. Next the user will do a batch upload and upload whatever he chooses, and select the HS/Link protocol from the list. When he begins his HS/Link upload, the BBS will automatically start sending the files that were previously tagged for batch download. When finished all the uploads will be credited and added online, the user will have the files he wanted, and he will be charged for that download. Well, setting it up isn't as hard as you may think. First unzip the HS/Link file I included in this zip (or any newer version you may now have) into your celerity directory (or wherever you keep DSZ). Configure it to your liking using it's configuration program. Then copy my BIDIR.EXE file to that same place. Now, run PROTED, and add two new protocols: For Batch Downloads add: LETTER : B DESCRIPTION : DL batch Bidirectionally PROGRAM : BIDIR.EXE COMMAND LINE : %3 C:\CELERITY\BIDIR.LST %4 (Make the Letter/Description/Path whatever... Just an example.) For Batch Uploads add: LETTER : H DESCRIPTION : HS/Link PROGRAM : HSLINK.EXE COMMAND LINE : @C:\CELERITY\BIDIR.LST The above command line is the path to your BIDIR.LST. It will be found at the same path you entered for the first protocol. This path can be anything you choose. Also, add a command in your main Celerity batch file to delete the BIDIR.LST after the caller hangs up. This will prevent another user from getting HS/Link to resend the files that were in the queue. I recommend that you place the command just before you run Celerity. Example: ... ... DEL C:\CELERITY\BIDIR.LST CELERITY ... ... That should do it for the setup... Now you may want to give your users some news explaining how to operate this protocol. (Since it is somewhat confusing to use.) If you have any questions, or would like to try it out, just call my board (top of file). I have it installed. Hopefully, in the meantime Celerity will get it's own BiDirectional support. Fatal Error