Stupid Unix Pranks by The Darkling #1 Terminal flooding Is a very annoying and a great way to make people look stupid. However this requires something. Go into /dev and type ls -la ttyp?. This will get you a listing of the permisions on the ttyps. For anyreason should you have right accsess to any ttyp# (that stands for ttyp number) you can do this. Another thing you can do is if they ever leave their computer un-attended walk over to it, type who am i (for your user name) and then type who username for their ttyp number. then type cd /dev and then chmod a+rwx ttyp(their ttyp#) ( Side note: chmod is a change permissions command. a = all and a+rwx gives people read write and exacute perms on it). this setting will stick threw all of their ttyp's (they change every time). Most default settings give you write accsess to other peoples ttyps. Don't ask me why, but they do. Now we have to write a couple scripts to do the terminal flood and to setup for it other times. Asuming you don't have a .bash_profile I am now going to go threw what it is and how we will use it. .bash_profile is a file that will run everytime you login asuming you are using a bash shell. if not.. type /bin/bash now and load one. here is the heading for your .bash_profile (and every other bash script) !#/bin/bash this means that we are sending commands to the bash shell.. its just propper form, and some whate unessary if your using a bash shell. now what were going to do is setup a little rutine that wil grab us everyons login name and ttype number so we can check this when ever. I have mine setup so that it tells me eveyones in the begging and writes it to a file (that re-freshes everytime) in my home dir called flowers. here it is, I'll go over it in a sec !#/bin/bash who who > flowers alias flood='cat /etc/wmtp > /dev/ttyp$1' alias fuck='echo Fuck You > /dev/ttyp$1' alias w='who' alias hehe="echo You were flooded curtusy of The Night script > /dev/ttpy$1' Now save it. exit your shell and log backin for the changes to take affect now. as you enter you will be presented with a list of peoples names and ttyps, as a off note this information can also be seen in the file named flowers. Also you might want to get the above source out of the html code. just so it isn't fucked over when you put it in. if you need to see the information quickly, just type w and then enter and you will see it again. When we want to flood some one we type flood # ( or flood space their ttyp number ) and the entire contents of wmpt (usaly f***** huge) will be dumped to their screen. Simmeraly if you type fuck # (fuck space their ttyp number) they will get a Fuck You added to where ever their curser is, or was. its halurs if their e-mailing the root and you do it just ebfor they send it. the fuck you is added to the mail message then its sent... you get the picuter =0). aslo after every day of tortue it would be nice to me if you would type hehe # (hehe space ttyp #) wich broadcasts a advertisment about this page. The Darkling Contact: