As you may have noticed, I've decided to distribute smaller patchers and place the related information into a text file instead. Note that this is a generic info file and not everything is pertinent to this particular patcher. What the Patcher Does ====================== First the patcher checks to see that you have the correct version/ build/release of the target file. It does this in one of two ways; (1) checking the file size and/or (2) checking the value of some specific byte(s) within the target file. It's imperative that the file you are attempting to patch be EXACTLY (to the byte) the same size as the the file that I patched. The reason for this size requirement is this; If the file that you are attempting to patch is different in size from the one that I edited, then it's exceedingly likely that that the location of the protection scheme in YOUR file is NOT in the same place that is was in MY file. Understand that most crack patchs are simplistic, both in construction and function. The code that they contain typically just "tells" them to go to some specific address within the target file and to change X number of bytes once they get there. If those "X number of bytes" happen to constitute computer instructions for something OTHER (and perhaps more vital) than the program's shareware protection.....oh well. The bytes are altered nonetheless. These kinds of "blind" changes to a program's code usually corrupts the executable and renders it nonfunctional at best. Remember that you're not dealing with SMART bombs here. They're more on the order of SCUD missiles This filesize information will always be clearly stated in the ZuLu.nfo text file that accompanies the patcher in every patch archive that I release. Error messages.....and what they mean ====================================== "Incorrect filesize" --> The filesize of differs from the one that I patched. The file may bear the same version number and date as the one that I patched but it is definitely of a different size. How can this be? The most likely reason is that the author has revised and RE-released that particular version or build of the program. But remember that viruses often add code to executables and thereby increase the filesize, so be careful when you encounter this situation. "File not found" --> The target file is not in the directory where you ran the patcher. To correct this problem, simply move the patcher to the directory that contains the target file, then run the patcher again. It could also mean that your copy of the file bears a different name than the one that the patcher is looking for. If needed, rename the file so it matches the name of the "Target File" entry shown in the first screen of this patching process (and in the ZuLu.nfo) After patching, you may change the filename back to what it was prior to patching. You may also choose just to keep the new filename. It will not effect program functioning, although any shortcuts to the file will need to be fixed so as to reflect the new filename. "File compressed or wrong version" --> The target file is not the correct one for patching, or the file has undergone some form of EXE-compression with a utility such as PKLite, WWPack, or Shrinker. To correct this problem you should obtain the correct version of the program, decompress the executable, or reinstall the program (which ever applies). The next step is to create a backup copy of the target file so that you may easily revert to using the original program if it turns out that you don't like the effects of the patcher. This backup file will be created in the same directory where you run the patcher. It will be given the same root name as the target file but will bear an extension of *.BAK The next step is to patch the target file. Patching is a process by which a file (typically an executable file) is altered in very specific locations so as to alter it's functioning in some way. These alterations consist of changes in the value of specific bytes of information within the executable file. Different values corr- espond to different computer instructions. In order for the patcher to work, the target file must bear a file- name that conforms to the 8.3 style of nomenclature, in other words, it must NOT have a LFN (Long File Name). Therefore, the patcher will temporarily change any LFNs to 8.3 style names, and then restore the LFNs when patching completes.