Subject: Winproxy and Mailmax Gems Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 11:42:28 GMT From: To: Mailmax 2.024 Internet Mail Server for 98/NT When you use netcat and connect to the Mailmax server at SMTP port and send alot of crap, the service will automatically stop example netcat -v 25 < crap.txt where crap.txt is sometin like 50 kb of random data. ERROR = too many output retries: CONNRESET Sending the same data at the admin service located at default port 998 will result in a crash. -buffer overflow Adminmax.exe Exception: access violation(0xc0000005),Adress: 0x77e7a30a account passwords: Yes you already know what I`m gonna say huh? :-) Again in Cleartext They are stored in the file called exmail.mdb ================ WinProxy 1.4 95/NT HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\M&Msoft\WinProxy Involving RasPassword: 9e=a 9d=b 9c=c 9b=d 9a=e 99=f 98=g 97=h 96=i 95=j 94=k 93=l 92=m 91=n 90=o 8f=p 8e=q 8d=r 8c=s 8b=t 8a=u 89=v 88=w 87=x 86=y 85=z be=A bd=B bc=C bb=D ba=E b9=F b8=G b7=H b6=I b5=J b4=K b3=L b2=M b1=N b0=O af=P ae=Q ad=R ac=S ab=T aa=U a9=V a8=W a7=X a6=Y a5=Z cf=0 ce=1 cd=2 cc=3 cb=4 ca=5 c9=6 c8=7 c7=8 c6=9 have phun Themag00ru "who said windoze was boring"