Patcher and files for WING COMMANDER PROPHECY UNLIMITED WEAPONS: RELEASED BY HIPPO AND LORDHEX ON Janaury 6, 1998 PST 2:00am WHAT THIS DOES: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patch file for unlimited weapons in Wing Commander Prophecy. This give you unlimited guns and and also allows some unlimited missles. The cheat involves changing 3 bytes and the file where the changes are stored is only 23 bytes. The patcher program is 9k so this is better than sending the Prophecy.exe packed. <-- that's over 500k zipped :) I tested this on the ripped warez'd version of PROPHECY.EXE from pdm. WHATS ALL IN IT: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wcp-trn.txt <-- this text file wcp-trn.ips <-- stored changes to make patcher <-- this is a command to apply the changes the file diz HOW TO USE IT: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bear down grunts! This is the ips patcher for SNES games on your wildcard. Unpack the zip into the Wing Commander Prophecy directory or copy them over to it. MAKE A BACKUP OF YOU PROPHECY.EXE FILE RIGHT NOW DAMN IT!! No excuses no whinning! Making sure your original file is safely backed up and in another directory. Then you simply type into dos after cd'ing to he dir: patcher PROPHECY.EXE WCP-TRN.ips that's it, the new changes are written over the top of your file SO BE CAREFUL KIDS. Or type patcher for the help. GREETS FLY OUT TO: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bigboss, Jugnead, Stubble, GUNDA, And all kick ass groups like pdm, class, razor, motiv8, etc. Keep up the great work! Hippo out