1 VisMWA 2 Visual's Memphis/Win98 beta Workaround 3 Win32s 4 Windows 95 5 Windows 98 6 Unknown Windows 7 Windows NT 8 A Windows 98 beta is required to run this program.\nYou are running %s %u.%02.2u.%u %s. 9 No Windows 98 beta found 10 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup 11 BootDir 12 IO.SYS 13 IOSYS.BAK 14 Control Panel\Desktop 15 PaintDesktopVersion 16 OK, completed successfully.\nYou have to restart Windows for the changes to take effect. 17 VisMWA - Done 18 Visual's Memphis/Win98 beta Workaround\nVersion 1.2\nCopyright ©1997, 1998 Visual@nym.alias.net 19 About VisMWA 20 Can't run VisMWA twice. 21 \n\nThe previous version of IO.SYS has been saved to IOSYS.BAK. 22 You are about to change the expire date prior to the current system date.\nYou won't be able to start Windows 98 beta again.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? 23 VisMWA - Warning 24 Your expire date is set prior to your warning date.\nWith these settings your beta will expire without prior warning notice.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? 25 No signature found in this version of IO.SYS.\nDisabling/changing the expire date may not work as expected.